[7] "People-Pleaser"

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The number of times
she kept quiet about something she should've made noise about,
just because she did not want to lose certain people.

And the number of times
she threw herself under the bus
just because she believed in making sacrifices for the people that you love.

And the number of times
she let inexcusable things fly over her head just because she wanted to please others
or prove that she can indeed "take a joke."

Just for those same people
to not be there for her when she needed a friend.

She was always there when they needed a friend.

And whilst she could not fathom a world void of their presences,
they found no trouble
in finding replacements for her.

But when she heard them speak ill of her behind her back,
she knew.

And when she watched those people turn into strangers the second she stopped trying,
she knew.

And when she realised that they were not her friends because they liked her
but rather,
because they saw her every day,
she knew.

She knew she was just a side character.
She was always available.
She was the "when it's convenient" friend;
the safe, easy option.

She stopped believing in "best friends" long ago.

They hesitated to give her a seed.
They always hesitated.

But she always offered them an entire field of fully fledged flowers
without thinking twice.


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