"You're going in that room, and you're never coming out!"

I stared at her. "Go to hell."

She pushed me, her own child, into The Room.

No, I'm not her child.

I'm just a tool to her.

She didn't care about me, and she never had.

What had I done wrong?

"Memory?" I yelled. She had said she was in here too.


"Where are you?" I yelled.

The Room didn't always show you your greatest fears. It could be a small fear, like a big pitch black room that you could be in for hours.

It could be a room covered in blood, and you had no choice but to look at it.

It could be spiders crawling on every inch of the room, and you had to look at it.

"I-I don't know! All I know is that I'm in a forest."

A... forest?

Why a forest?

"Can you teleport me to you?"

"I-I can, but-"

"Do it!"


"Memory? Are you okay?"

She looked up at me. "What happened?"

"You were passed out when I got here."


"Why are you in a forest?"

"I don't know."

After a moment of silence, we heard a child babbling.

"What was that?" Memory asked me.

"A child. We need to find them!"

"But what if it's a trap?"

I gripped the sword on my belt. "It doesn't matter. Let's go."

Her Knight In Shining ArmorWhere stories live. Discover now