Its called ACTING

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Peter rolls his eyes and watches the movie again until he sees Bucky look away again and clench his hands into a fist "Dick" Peter said before getting up grabbing the remote and stopping the movie

"HEY! I was watching that!" Loki said annoyed Peter turned the movie off

"Shut up Laufeyson! We are watching something else" Peter replied as he rolled his eyes

"What is that gonna be then?" Loki said trying to get the remote back

"I don't know I didn't think that far through!" Peter said "Anyone have any suggestions?" Peter asked

"Cinderella!" Bucky, Yelena, Natasha, Clint and Steve all yelled in sink

"Really? You guys like that movie?" Peter asked as he couldn't help but smile as Cinderella was his favourite Disney movie

"Yes!!!" They all answered and everyone agreed to watch it so Peter put it on and sat back down next to Bucky "You didn't have to do that you know" Bucky whispered to Peter

"It's fine I didn't like it anyway" Peter said as he put a blanket on and started to watch the movie. Morgan walked out to see they were watching Cinderella so she asked if she could join when they agreed to let her she sat next to Peter and Bucky underneath the Blanket with Peter.

"You alright Pretty?" Peter asked Morgan as she seemed to look a little upset

"Mum and Dad are fighting that's all" Morgan said

"It's gonna be alright they will work it out like they always do and we will all go back to being fine like it was when we were younger" Peter said as he hugged her

"Shut up!" Loki yelled getting into the movie he had never seen before

"I swear to god if you tell me to shut up 1 more time while I am talking to my sister I will through Caps shield at your head!" Peter said while covering Morgan's ears

"Ok, ok I'm sorry" Loki said kind of scared, everyone went back to watching the movie until Morgan and Peters favourite part came on so they both got up and started acting it out

"If you'd lost all your faith I couldn't be here, and here I am" the siblings said as they laughed

"You can't go go the ball looking like that!" Morgan said

"But we have to hurry, because even Miracles take a little time" Peter said as he, Morgan and everyone else all laugh they then sit back down and continue to watch the movie

"What was that!" Loki said as he laughed

"It's called ACTING lovely" Peter said with a sassy tone, after the movie finished Loki got really mad

"What a fucking prick!" Loki said as he yelled at the TV

"Oi!" Peter through caps shield at Loki

"Ow! 1 why was that even in here and 2 why would you through it at me!" Loki asked

"1 I don't know why it was in here and 2 you said fuck in front of my little sister!" Peter replied

"So did you!" Loki said

"Shhh! Why did you call Mr. Kit a prick" Peter asked

"He couldn't even recognise Cinderella! He had to go around the whole town and couldn't even tell by her voice or her hair from when he first saw her I am so mad she should have just moved out and ran away with her animals at least they remembered who she was!" Loki said as everyone laughed


Peters POV

These last 2 weeks have been nice mum and dad aren't arguing anymore, Morgan and I are spending time together Loki and I still bicker put that normal, the Avengers and I are hanging out more and Bucky and I have been doing some things I shouldn't say😏. I was in the kitchen minding my own business baking some cupcakes and cookies for dessert for tonight when Bucky walked into the kitchen with his hands behind his back and stepped closer to me with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked as he took a few steps back

"5 words, I'm. Getting. Back. At. You." Bucky said as his smirk only grew wider while be brought his hands forward from behind his back and held up a can of silly string while pointing it at Peter

"Dont. Even. Think. About. It! James!" Peter said as he ran to the other side of the counter and ducked down as soon as Bucky sprayed it so it just missed Peter

"Your not getting away with it!" Bucky said as he laughed

"It's not my fault it was right in front of me out in the open what did you want me to do leave it for somebody else to grab!?" Peter asked as he laughed at his childish Bucky was being

"Don't laugh at me! You shouldn't have touched it without my permission!" Bucky said as he pouted like a little baby and sprayed the silly string on Peter which made Peter pretend to be mad and say something he knew he was going to regret within 5 seconds after

"I didn't just touch it darling, I ate it" Peter said as he got up to walk back to the other side of the counter

"Your so gonna regret that!" Bucky said before grabbing Peters arm and swinging him into his chest tickling Peter

"S-Stop!" Peter yelled as he was laughing "S-Stop!" Peter grabbed Bucky's neck with 1 hand pulling him down a bit which caught Bucky a bit off guard so he stopped and Peter put his other hand on Bucky's face "Don't do that again" Peter said before letting go and walking back over to the cupcakes and cookies taking them out of the oven to cool down, Bucky walked over to the side where Peter was

"Never!" Bucky said as he tried to grab Peter again but Peter got out of the way and ran to the other side of the counter "I will never stop I'm not giving up!"

"Your not going to get what you want you know that right!" Peter said

"I will do anything to Avenge my lollipop!" Bucky said before he started chasing Peter around the counter "stop running!" Bucky yelled as he laughed

"Stop chasing!" Peter yelled back as he laughed

"Never!" Bucky said as he caught Peter and grabbed him again and started tickling him again

"Stop!" Peter said trying to stop himself from laughing

"No!" Bucky said as he pushed Peter against the counter and continued to tickle him because they were both occupied neither heard Tony, Nat, Carol and Steve walk in

"S-Stop" Peter said while laughing

"Not until you say sorry" Bucky replied

"I-it was a l-lollipop pop!" Peter said

"My lollipop!"

"Are you 2 alright?" Tony said as he was grossed out to see his son and frenemy about to make out

"Yes, Bucky just won't stop tickling me until I say sorry" Peter said as Bucky stopped because Tony was there

"He took my lollipop and ate it" Bucky said

"Please tell me your talking about a real lollipop" Tony said as he cringed at the thought

"Oh my god! Yes a real lollipop dad! Jesus!" Peter said

"Looks like you go are getting alone well then" Steve said

"I guess so" Bucky said as he still had his hands on Peter

"Alright let go of me I wanna see my cookies and cupcakes" Peter said as he turned around to go over to the bench

"Sorry if we interrupted we just heard yelling and with what happened last time" Nat said before stopping herself "Sorry!"

"I need air" Peter said before walking out of the kitchen

I hope y'all are enjoying this story I might change the name if i can just to let you know

Word count 1313

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