The sorting

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y/n POV: Once you get off the train you see a tall man yelling " First years follow me" so you catch up with Luna and walk with the tall man he gets you guys on a boat and he introduces himself as Rubues Hagrid. After a long boat ride you finally reach Hogwarts it was bigger than you
expected, you almost lost the group of people as you were to mesmerized by the painting. You climb what felt like a million stairs until you reached the top. Another professor wearing a green robe called out " welcome first years I'm Professor McGonagall". You lost focus on what she was saying as you caught that tall brown haired boy staring at you from beside a wall that was until Luna nudged you to pay attention. You look back and hear McGonagall say "You will be sorted into your houses they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin". The doors to the great hall suddenly boomed opened as everyone walked in to get sorted. You stared at the other professors one caught your eye he was tall and had black hair and it was styled just like a wolf cut. You turned around and Told Luna and she bursted out laughing until y'all got In trouble. McGonagall started calling out names. Y/N Ayler she called out you were so nervous as you stepped up to the hat as you can feel everybody staring at you. The hat got placed on you head and it took a hot minute wondering where to put you. It had called out that you were brave but also cunning you were hardworking but also clever. After a while the hat finally called out "Slytherin". I had mixed emotions about being sorted in Slytherin. I went and sat next to Draco even though he didn't seem to like that. A few minutes past until professor calls Luna's name, I really hope that she gets sorted into Slytherin with me. The hat got put into her head and said "hmm another Malfoy but hmm interesting very interesting.....Better be RAVENCLAW". I saw draco's fist curl up on how mad he was that his sister didn't get sorted into the same house.
After everyone got sorted we heard Dumbledore stand up and say "may the feast begin". Suddenly a their was plates and plates worth of food alll over the table. After eating for hours that same tall handsome boy walked in and stood on one side of the Slytherin table. He finally said " I'm head-boy of Slytherin and myy name is Tom Marvolo Riddle". ( He said his full name cuz he's extra) I looked into his eyes and I knew that I needed to get to know him more. We followed him into the common room and I was surprised that our common room is in the dungeon. I got to my dorm and got everything ready for the next day. As I took a shower and got ready for bed, laid in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about Tom Riddle.

Tom's POV: I got off the train and headed to Hogwarts as Hagrid got the first years into the boats and for them to get sorted into their houses. I took another path and got to Hogwarts your supposed to go to the Great Hall but I didn't feel like it so I headed straight to my dorm. After a while I knew the head boys had to go and introduce themselves to the first years. I made my way to the great halls and as soon as I walked in I saw that girl that was sitting with us on the train. I stared at her before introducing myself in front of everyone.
" I'm head-boy of Slytherin and myy name is Tom Marvolo Riddle". Then I lead them to the common room and explained to them that their dorm will say their name on the outside. As everyone got in their dorms I went into mine and took a shower and started reading for hours before I finally feel asleep.

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