Chapter Four

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*SLAP* My face flew to the side with how hard he hit.

"Who the hell are you bitch?" Roy asked again with an angry tone. He was the leader of the vampires.

I broke the shackles around my wrist with a snap of my fingers. I had enough of this, "You don't remember me? You killed my lover, my other half..... now I'm here to kill you and your entire coven." I said almost seething with anger.

"Wait a damn minute, now I remember... you were the weeping stone angel." He started, and the fear in his eyes began to grow.

"I will only ask you once. What did you do to Damian?" I asked as my voice got lower and angrier.

"Now why should I tell you," he started. "You are mine now!"

I snapped my fingers again, but this time, he was in the chains. "Unchain me now, you bitch! I will not let you kill my coven!" He yelled.

"I gave you an opportunity to tell me what I wanted to know, but you choose not to. Now I'll go talk to them." I said as I walked out the cell with him screaming after me.

I walked into the throne room and yelled, getting everyone's attention. "I want the men who were there that night, the night over 100 years ago. Let me be clear, I want the men who killed my light and turned me to stone. Everyone else may live if they come forward, and tell me what I want to know. Or you can all die alongside them."

I stood there looking at them, waiting for them to move. No one took me seriously. They all stood still not moving and had a look to kill in their eyes. "Jojo, bring me one of the men that were there that night." I said to him without taking my eyes off the crowd.

They all looked around the room and jumped in shock when a giant dark red wolf had appeared. He stood in front of a man and growled menacingly. I jumped down and walked up to him and said, "Speak! now! or die!"

He looked around the room quickly and said, "We were ordered to kill him or at least try to. But we failed. Once you turned to stone, he became livid. An uncontrollable beast. Then another man showed up and stood next to your statue. He became even more inraged, then that man snapped his fingers and he disappeared."

He went silent, "what happened next?" I asked almost in a whisper. I could feel he didn't want to continue because he knew that what he said next would have pissed me off even more.

He took a shaky breath then said, "I watched as he caressed your stone face, then wiped the tears saying 'My angel don't cry for a filthy demon, only I should be able to make you cry like this. You are mine now. No one will have you but me.' Then, in a flash of light, you and him were gone."

I took a deep breath and then walked back to the front of the room. "Tell me with a show of hands how many of you knew about this?" I watched as almost every one of them raised their hands. I shook my head, closing my eyes. 'Jojo, is there a single person in here we can trust?'

'Hmm, yes, two of them, actually.' He responds in our link.

'Bring them to me on my command.' I tell him and watch as he nods his head. "My familiar is going to choose two of you. Don't be afraid, and just walk up here." I watch as he walks around the room and then up to a couple. After he pawed at them, he walked back to me with them in toe. "You will all pay for your sins, I have seen what you all have done. Now it's judgment. May the moon goddess judge you just as harsh as your sins." I yelled.

I snapped my fingers and chanted a few words. I watched as all of them went up in flames, screaming and falling to ash. I took a deep breath and turned, asking, "What are your names?"

"I'm Raven, and this is my beloved John. Please, we needed sanctuary, we didn't know what kind of people were in this coven." She spoke softly. Raven had long black hair that reached the back of her thighs. She had deep brown eyes and pale white skin. John had short black hair, light brown eyes, and pale white skin. "Calm yourself, I saved you because my familiar told me the two of you were to be trusted. Tell me what happened to your coven?" I ask.

"Our coven was small. We drank from animals. Never from humans. A man showed up one day and said our coven was not needed anymore.... we barely made it out of the massacre." John started.

"Like I said, we had nowhere to go and needed sanctuary. But even being here, we held to our promise and never fed off human blood." Raven said next.

"I need people I can trust, and you need protection. I will offer you my protection, but in return, you freely give your lives to me." I started.

"What do you mean?" Raven asked a little confused.

"You're not going to kill us?" John asked next.

"What I mean is, you will protect me with your lives, be a friend, and help me kill the ones who want me for who I am. I can not give you any more details until you accept my offer." I tell them.

They look at each other, then back at me and say, "were in." Then Raven says,"Not like we have a coven or family."

"Jojo and I will become your family. We will watch out for you just as much as you watch out for us. Are you sure this is what you want?" I ask.

They both nod their heads in agreement. I took a deep breath, waved my hands, and began to speak out loud. "Moon Goddess, hear my plea, protect, and watch out for John and Raven. For in this moment they will protect me as I will protect them." I pull my knife out of my boot and turn to them and ask,"Do you accept me for who I am, and freely give your life to me?" They both nodded their heads. I cut my palm and said, "Then take only a drop of my blood and swallow it, no more." They did as instructed. "By the power of the moon goddess, we are now bonded for life." I put the knife back in my boot, and Jojo licked my palm to heal it.

I took a deep breath and looked back at them. There were two things that were different about them. One was the white streak in their hair, and the other was my mark of the crescent moon was on their left hand by their thumb.

"Ok, now that that's out of the way, can you explain?" Raven asked.

"Yes, but not here. It isn't safe. I need one of you to grab another bike to ride with me and the other to grab a car to follow. So it will make it easier to carry our bags. Meet me out front, I have one last thing to settle." I said, then walked away as they nodded there head.

I walked back down into the cell I left Roy in, I snapped my fingers and more chains wrapped around him. I waved my hands and chanted a spell, then said, "You will rot here for one hundred years, and reflect on what you did to me. If anyone other than me releases you, you will burn and die immediately. But, then again, you will burn in hell when one hundred years have passed."

Then, I turned and walked back out of the cell and met back up with them. Jojo shifted back to a sugar glider and made himself comfortable under my shirt as I straddled my bike. I looked back at the house and snapped my fingers, and it disappeared from a humans' view.

"Let's roll," I said, putting on my helmet and taking off into the night.

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