Chapter 2

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Leah POV

The only sound was the radio as Mary and I drove to the airport. I was tapping my finger nervously when I found myself thinking about Lucas.

I saw Mary give me a glance from the corner of my eye before I heard her start singing along with the music. I looked at Mary and she kept her eyes on the road, her over-the-top dancing matching her facial expressions.

I inclined my head and let out a laugh. I found myself singing along as well as we drove to the airport.

* * * * *

Once we got there, Mary found a parking spot near the entry.

We got out of the car and Mary opened the trunk and fished out some of her clothes. She turned to me and shoved the clothes into my arms. I quickly made my way to the nearest bathroom, avoiding people due to my current state. Once I made it, I locked the door and turned on the tap. I cupped my hands under the tap, allowing the water to fill my hands.

I poured the water over my face and wherever else there was blood. I kept on doing that over and over again until I looked clean and free of blood. I stared at myself in the mirror.

I had dark bags under my eyes with bruises and cuts scattered on my face. There was a small scar in the shape of a slash across my right eyebrow, its discolouration from the rest of my skin noticeable.

My hair was knotty, but thankfully, I could actually do something about that. I combed my hands through my hair until it was knot-free. I quickly changed into Mary's clothes and left the bathroom.

As I left, I saw Mary sitting in a chair with my small bag of valuables next to her semi-large suitcase.

Mary was about 5'6", with dirty blonde hair stopping just above her shoulders. She was lightly toned and had beautiful green eyes. Her facial features were soft, making her look as if she couldn't hurt a fly, but I knew better.

I called back to a time when I was getting bullied when I was 8, and Mary got in between me and my bully and began throwing insults at her. I smiled softly at the memory. They were much simpler times.

Oh, how things changed.

Mary's eyes met mine and she smiled, to which I returned the gesture.

Mary stood and extended the handle of her suitcase and my bag, making her way towards me.

"You look better." She stated simply as she handed me my light bag.

"All thanks to you," I replied as I took my bag from her. She smiled lightly before she spoke.

"Our flight is at 3 pm and it is," Mary paused as she checked her black, modern watch, "1:58 pm right now, so we better hurry." As she said that, we both turned to get ready for the plane.

* * * * *

The giant clock in the waiting area showed 2:46. Mary and I were sitting in front of the gates, waiting for our gate to be called. I tapped my foot nervously as I took into consideration what I was actually doing. 

I was leaving the country. What would Lucas do once he figures out that I am not there? Will he find me? What will he do if he finds me? He would probably make me wish I was dead. What about Mary though? Would he hurt her too? I didn't want Mary to get sucked into this mess.

Mary turned to me, obviously noting my stress. She took my hand in hers softly, making me look up at her. She gave me a gentle smile, and I felt as if all of my worries no longer existed in that moment. I turned my face away from her as I stared at the clock, watching the minutes pass by.

We stayed like this until our gate was called. Mary and I made our way to our gate and after some time being cramped with other people, we found our seats. Mary purchased first-class class tickets, and I was shocked by how much space there actually was for each passenger. Mary saw my in-awe look and laughed.

Each person had their own little cubicle and could literally lie down with the space that was given. I couldn't hold back the smile that was on my face as I sat down in the cubicle next to Mary's. I looked at the tablet facing me, on the back of the person's cubicle in front of me. Since we hadn't started to fly yet, it flashed the flight time: 10 hours and 5 minutes. I smiled once more. Usually, I would hate being on a plane for that long without good service, but something told me that that wouldn't be the case today.

* * * * * 

It was only once the plane landed that I thought about the reality of the situation at hand.

Mary and I were moving to a new country, with no job and no house. We knew nobody, and it was then that I was grateful that Mary and I knew multiple languages. We both knew Italian, Spanish and French, and that was only because we thought it would be funny if we annoyed our friends and teachers at school. Whenever they were around, we would usually speak in French.

Though, I had always decided that I wanted to visit Italy, so that was another reason to learn another language.

Mary and I grabbed our luggage before stepping out of the airport. I looked around in awe. It was so beautiful here. The surroundings of the airport were beautifully kept flowers, trees, and such green grass.

Even the people here looked happy.

There were families with their little kids at a small playground. Children were laughing loudly, smiles stretched on their faces. There were couples holding hands whilst looking at each other happily.

I sighed, as I thought about how that use to be Lucas and me before, things changed. Before he changed.

I was pulled out of my daze by a car honking loudly. I turned in the direction of the noise to see Mary in the driver's seat, sticking her head out of the windows and telling me to hurry up. I chuckled silently while walking to the black car.

Mary was one crazy girl.

* * * * *

We were driving around aimlessly for some time before we agreed to stop at a 4-star hotel to stay at for a couple of nights. We checked in and made our way to our room on the third floor. As Mary opened our door, my mouth dropped.

The room was very big for a hotel room and looked so shiny. It had a small open kitchen that connected to a small dining area.

There was a medium-sized TV in the corner with a fluffy-looking couch facing it. I raced to the bedroom and was shocked once more. The room looked amazing!

There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room, facing a small TV. On the right of the bed, there were two closet doors, and they held enough space for Barbie to place her clothes in. Ok, well, maybe not all of her clothes but still. I made my way to the sleek bathroom. It was relatively small but had a nice shower, and everything was so clean. It looked like the room had never been used before.

After exploring the rest of the place, I made my way to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed with a sigh. It felt like I was sinking into the bed, and it felt much better than the bed I used to share with Lucas back in Chicago. Mary made her way to the door and leaned against the frame, looking at me with a grin. I looked at her and smiled back.

I lifted myself to see Mary more clearly and decided to thank her.

"Mary, I just want to say-" I began, but Mary raised her hand, cutting me off.

"Don't. You know that I would make the same choice to help you over and over again, and I know that you would do the same for me." She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. For us though, it was.

I grinned at her once more as I wondered how I managed to get so lucky in the friend department. I don't know what I would do without Mary. I slid off of the bed and made my way to Mary.

She stopped leaning against the door frame as I opened my arms. We hugged for a few long moments before Mary began to talk again.

"You know, we still need to find jobs tomorrow, right?" Wow. She just had to mention that. I groaned as she chuckled at me.

"But before we do that, I noticed that the hotel has a 24-hour buffet," Mary told me. That was all that needed to be said as I grabbed her hand and skipped with her out of the room, making our way to the buffet.

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