Chapter 39

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Leah POV

My head was throbbing before I even opened my eyes. I felt cold all around me and realised I was lying down. With a small struggle, I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

Lit by a dim light, I could see dark walls in the shape of a small room. I put a hand to the wall, the shocking cold immediately running through my fingertips.

"Ah, you're finally awake." My heart sped up as I whipped around, molding myself into the hard wall. Lucas walked into the room confidently, locking the door behind him with a loud click.

"No need to be scared, amore mio," he purred. I shivered. My love. I remember when he used to call me that. How did I ever see something in him?

"Don't call me that," I muttered quietly, letting it echo through the empty room.

"Don't be so harsh, amore, I come bearing gifts." He lifted something in his hand, taking a step forwards.

My mind was begging for him to stop, to stay away from me, to let me go, but my mouth wouldn't speak.

He stopped right in front of me and set the bowl in front of me. It had some food, but I couldn't even tell what it was. I think it was soup, but it certainly didn't smell like it.

I thought he would walk away as soon as he put down the bowl, but why would anything good happen to me? Instead, he bent down, pinning me with his harsh gaze.

"Be grateful you're getting anything, amore, considering you just left." I shrunk back into the wall, tearing my eyes away from him and onto the floor. Lucas didn't let me for long. He gripped my cheeks harshly, pulling my head back up forcefully to look at him.

"I didn't say you could look away, Leah." Tears finally blurred my vision, eventually falling down my cheeks. His eyes were so dark. I remember when they used to be filled with joy, but now, there was nothing remotely happy. Just anger and possession.

"Why are you doing this?" I managed to say, my voice shaky.

Lucas stared at me thoughtfully before a devilish smirk made its way onto his face. "Because you thought you could get away from me without a fight. Well, this is me; winning." My whole body felt like it plummeted through the Earth and back, a round-trip, and it made me want to vomit.

"I'll see you soon, amore mio." He pulled me forwards and pressed his mouth roughly against mine. I tried to pull away, but he forced my head to stay in place.

I could finally breathe when he pulled away, standing up to leave. I'd rather wash my mouth out with bleach than have him kiss me.

When he reached the door, he looked over his shoulder and smirked. "I'll be back soon, amore mio. Don't do anything stupid, otherwise, there will be consequences." He closed the door without another word, a loud click soon following.

Immediately, I wiped my mouth with the long sleeve. Once I was sure I had wiped everything, I looked around. I needed to find a way out of here obviously, but where else could I leave this room if the door was the only exit.

There weren't many items in the room. There was a rickety bed that looked like it was there since WW1 and a bucket that only had one use. Which I was not looking forward to at all.

I still felt drowsy from whatever Lucas had used on me. How did he even get something like that anyway? Wasn't it illegal or something? Well, all of this seems pretty illegal, so I guess it's pretty tame for him to do.

I just realised I wasn't wearing the dress from Vlado's party. Instead, they were long, dark clothes, and I grimaced at the thought of Lucas' hands all over me. I know he changed my clothes, I didn't need to guess.

Carefully, I made my way to my feet, trying to push away the drowsiness for now.

The bed was a few feet away, and I managed to walk over without falling over. The bed creaked when I sat down, and it sounded like screws were going to fall out at any moment. There was a thin blanket laid over bed and when I lifted it up, I felt like I was going to throw up the second time in five minutes. The matress was covered in stains and marks, and had a brown tint to it.

I covered it with the blanket again and grimaced. No way was I sleeping on that.

My stomach rumbled but I ignored it. I didn't trust Lucas or his food. If you could even call it that.

I moved back to the wall, keeping a close eye on the door.

What's that thing people say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I missed them already. All of them, somehow.

It makes sense that I would miss Mary, maybe Clarke and Theo, but Vlado? Why was me being apart from him hurting more?

Especially after what I saw. I mean, what the hell was that? Who was that man they were torturing? And even if I did manage to escape, was I seriously going to go back to them? To Vlado? I can't leave Mary there alone though. What if they hurt her? What if she's already hurt?

No, I can't focus on that right now. I need to focus on escaping. One step at a time.

The door was made of a strong metal clearly from all the clanging when it opened and closed, probably steel. There were no windows, so I couldn't even tell if it was day or night. The only source of light I had was from the bulb hanging from the roof.

How would I get out?

I could feel my eyes drooping and my brain falling behind. Finally, the drowsiness won out. Carefully, I slumped against the wall, using it as support to slide down.

I didn't want to fall asleep, but I couldn't fight it. Curling myself into a ball, I closed my eyes and let darkness take over me.

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