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"Ok everything should be ready now" Host says.

"First you guys will be racing to the 6 high tier students at welston" Host says.

"Wait 6!?!? I thought there were only 4 high tiers in welston?" Isens yells completely shocked.

"Ya, Seraphina, Arlo, Remi, and Cecile are the only high tiers, unless theres a new student in the future." Asks a random mid tier.

"Don't tell me that this guy knows my secret!" John thought, who by now is starting to get parinoid.

"You will just have to wait and see" Host answers.

"Anyway we will be going from weakest to stongest, and this will not be based on level alone, it will be based on feats, versitilaty, and overall battle prowess." Host says.

"Now without further questions, lets start the first video." Says Host.

"Wait what? Why is blyke on here, isnt he an elite tier?" Said a random mid tier.

Blyke's eyes lit up (hes not activating his ability) "Wait so do I become a high tier in the future!?!?" Blyke asked exitedly.

"Yep" Host says.

"Congratulations" Seraphina said.

"Ya, you are really powerfull." Remi said.

"Uhh...thanks guys." Blyke said kinda flustered.

"Wait, what is that man doing!?!?" Yelled Remi.

"That idiot probobly pissed of someone stronger than them." Said Zeke.

"Damn high tiers, so fucking useless." Thought John very angrily, who by now is clenching his fists very tightly.

"Hey, you ok, you look pretty upset?" Seraphina questioned John.

"Huh, oh ya I'm good, I just don't like seeing people get beat up for no reason. " Answers John.

"Don't get to hung up on it, it's not that big of a deal, she probably stole some money from him or something." Seraphina said trying to calm John down.

"Ya...I guess your probably right." John said.

"Why are you helping that low tier Blyke, your supposed to be a high tier now?" Questioned Arlo.

"I can answer that, during this time Blyke wanted to get stronger but was stuck so he went out as a vigilante to train, that's why he's a high tier now." Explained Host.

"WHAT!?!? Why the hell would you do something like that Blyke?" Remi said, extremely worried.

"How am I supposed to know that, this is the future!" Said Blyke.

"I agree, this is the future, the video might explain more so we should watch the rest of the video first." Said Isen.

"That's actually a really good idea, I'm proud of you Isen." Said both Remi and Blyke.

"Wow guys I'm not that stupid." Said Isen.

"Ya whatever you say bro." Said Blyke.

"There's so many of them, will you be ok?" Remi asked very worried.

"I don't know." Said Blyke who also looked worried.

"BLYKE!!!" Screamed Remi.

"Oh no" Cried Remi.

"What the hell did i get myself into?" Blyke asked himself.

"Holy fuck, I can do that." Blyke said completely amazed.

"Wow, thats insane!" Said Isen.

"Thats really cool Blyke." Said Remi.

"Umm, thanks Remi, hehe." Blyke said very nervously.

Alot of the students were whispering about how cool and song Blyke is.

The Headmaster was a bit angry with Blyke for obvious reasons.

"Damn I got really strong." Blyke said.

"Wow, he beat them all." Said a random mid tier.

After the video

"Soo, what did you guys think?" Asked Host

"That was so cool, I'm got so strong, I didn't even know i could do that with my ability." Blyke said very excited.

"Ya you were really cool and brave in that video." Remi said a bit flustered. ;)

"Really, umm...thanks Remi." Blyke said turning really red.

"SHIIIIPPPP!!!!" Said Seraphina and John at the same time.

"W-w-wait w-w-w-what n-n-no i-it's n-n-not l-l-like t-t-t-that a-a-at all." Stutered Remi who was as red as Blyke's hair.

"Like you guus are one to talk, you 2 should just hurry up and date already!" Said Blyke trying to get back at the comedic duo.

"W-w-wait h-h-h-hold o-o-on." Seraphina started to say.

"Oh come on, we love eachother as really good friends, right Sera? John says as he turn to Seraphina and winks.

"Umm ya, what he said" Seraphina said.

"Wow I really am the third wheel arn't I." Said Isen.

"Anyway enough of that, I'll give you guys a few min to talk with each other and then we will be back with Welston highs 5th strongest high tier." Said host.

Damn, this story has been out for less than a day and 20 different people have read it, I thought it was crap but clearly I was wrong. Anyway I've got literally no schedule but I'll update when I finish a chapter. Anyway feel free to critisize me, actually I would encourge it cause it helps me see we're I went wrong and what you guys like so please do me a favor and comment as much as you want. Anyway the next chapter will be on the nest high tier, Cecile, there really isn't much for her so the next chapter will be pretty short.

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