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Hey guys, so this is going to be the last chapter for this reaction. However I am going to start writing another book, the first chapter should be published in a few days, if you want to read it go ahead, I don't want to spoil it but or is an orginal idea (as far as I know) and I thought it would be pretty cool. Anyway keep a look out for that book and enjoy the final chapter.

"Alright guys, lets get into it, the strongest student in Welston, John." Host says.

"Pff, that's a good one." Zeke says.

Many students start laughing.

"Lets just get into it." Host says.

John tenses up a bit but no one notices.

"Damn" Blyke says.

"What the fuck, what happened to him?" Blyke says

"That's even worse then what happened to Sera." Remi says.

"Wait are those handcuffs?" Isen says.

"John is that you? Why the hell are you handcuffed?" Seraphina asks.


"Your not gonna talk hu, fine then, mabye the video will explain." Seraphina says.

"Why is there a mob of students there?" Remi asks.

"They turned on my." John finally talks.

"What do you mean they turned on you?" Remi asks worried for her friend.

John stays quiet.

"Arlo what the hell do you think your doing?" Seraphina asks clearly pissed.

Arlo just shrugs.

"Did you beat them all?" Remi asks now getting both worried and scared.

Once again John just stays quiet.

Eveyone is quiet.

"D-d-did you just beat Arlo?" Elaine asks. (P.S. I completly forgot she exsisted)

"He kinda deserved it though." Seraphina says.

"Wait but what is his ability?" A random mid tier asks.

"I copy and amplify ability's." John says.



"Actully I only ever lost one fight but that was before I could amplify the ability's I copy." John says.

"So could you copy my ability?" Seraphina asks.

"No" John says.

"Wait why not." Seraphina asks.

"Because using my ability is the last thing I want to do." John says.

"Why's that?" Remi asks.

"Would you guys shut up and watch. The video will explain why." Host says.

John's eyes widen in horror.

"What the-" Blyke says.

"What the fuck is wrong with that guy!" Blyke yells.

"That's messed up, I can't believe they would do something like that to you." Remi says.

"It's fine, I deserved it anyway." John says.

"What hell could you possibly have done to deserve to be tortured like that, did you kill someone or something." Blyke asks.

"No, but I almost killed half my class at my last school." John says.

"But you said they turned on you didn't they." Remi asks.

"Because I was a monster." John says.

No one knows what to say to that.

"What does that mean?" Remi asks.

"Exactly what it sounds like, without power you have no authority, that's how the world works." Arlo says.

Many students get shivers down there spines seeing the brutality.

"Wait so John is the masked student?" A randome mid tier asks.

"Holy shit, he just beat Isen, Blyke, Remi, and Arlo at the same time!" Holden says.

"John?" Seraphina mutters.

Every elite tier and below is now terrified.

After the video

"John, why didn't you tell me, you were there for me, so let me be there for you, please." Seraphina pleads.

"Why are you still trying to help me? After everything I did, how I lied to you, why are you still here?" John asks.

"Because in your friend." Seraphina says very bluntly.

"But-" John try's to say still shocked from Seraphina's words.

"No buts, I'm your friend, it doesn't matter what you did in the past, and I understand why you lied, you were scared, and you had every right to be. But right now your suffering and as your friend I'm here to help you." Seraphina says.

"Ya, thanks Sera." John says.

"Anyway, that's all I have to show you guys so in going to and you guys back now, bye." Host says.

Hey guys, this is were in going to end this reaction. I'm going to be a new book, this won't be a reaction it will be an actual story. And I will have someone who can read over it before I publish it so it will turn out a lot better written then this, so keep an eye out for that. Anyway's like I said I'm ending this here but in the furture I will comeback and write a new unOrdinary reaction but that won't be for awhile. Sorry this is so short and thanks for all the support, I never would have guessed this story would blow up like this. Anyway see ya.

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