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Alright guys imma be honest, Remi is best girl. And Blemi is my favorite unordinary ship, I already teased at it a little in a previous chapter. Soooo I'm going to add a Blemi ship in this chapter. Anyway enjoy:)

"Alright guys next up is the one I've been waiting for." Host says very excited.

"Isn't Remi next?" Isen asked.

"Yep!" Host says.

"Really, I can't wait, can we start the video now?" Remi askes getting pretty excited.

"Sure, and actually there's 2 videos since your my favorite." Host says almost as excited as Remi.

"I hate you so much." Cecile says.

"Don't test me, you want me to make you talk in uwu for the whole chapter?" Host says clearly not having it.

"W-w-w-wait, I didn't mean it, it was just a joke." Cecile says in complete horror.

"Well then lets get right into this!" Host says getting excited again.

"Wait Remi to?" Arlo asks.

"Yep, her brother was killed by ember so she's pretty mad." Host says a little to bluntly.

Everyone stays quiet and just watchdog the video not wanting to offend Remi.

"Wait who is that?" Blyke asks.

"Are we going to fight her, she looks strong." Isen says a little scared.

"Really dude." Blyke says.

"What, I can't help it." Isen says a bit embarrassed.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Isen yells.

"D-d-did she just k-k-kill her?" A random mid tier asks?

"Uh oh, what did we get ourselves into?" Remis asks terrified.

"W-w-wait, did you guys get attacked by ember?" Elaine asks.

"It looks like it." Blyke says.

Remi looks completely pissed.

"Oh my god Remi your arm!" Elaine yells.

"Oh no, Remi please don't die, you need to run!" Blyke says super worried.

"I can't, I have to avenge my brother! I can't let her esca-" Remi says but is cut off by Blyke hugging her;)

"Remi you can't, killing her won't bring your brother back. And I don't know what I would do if you were to die!" Blyke yells getting scared.

"....... I'm sorry Blyke, I won't let this happen in the future." Remi says a bit sad but also happy that Blyke cares so much.

"Thank you remi, we will find a way to stop ember." Blyke says.

"You know Remi if you ever need I can help. With me there ember is a good as dead." Seraphina says.

"Sera no, you can't go after someone as dangerous as ember!" John says.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, and if I can't beat her then I'll get everyone out of there as fast as possible." Seraphina  reassures John.

"Ok then but I'm coming." John says.

"If you say so, just don't get yourself killed." Seraphina jokes.

"If I have to I'll reveal myself, I'd rather her hate me then see her die." John thinks.

"Thank you Blyke." Remi says with a slight blush.

"No problem, I won't let her kill you." Blyke says with a blush of his own.

"REMI NO!!!!" Blyke screams.

"No way, Remi's not going to die is she?" Elaine says shaking.

After the video

"Thank god Isen got you out of there." Elaine says.

"Ya thanks bro, but please tell me Remi survived?" Blyke says.

"Don't worry, she's good. But it was a close call." Host says.

"Ok good, I don't know what I would have done without you Remi." Blyke says.

"Ya." Remi says now blushing quite a bit.

"Hehe, anyway lets move onto the next video, you guys are going to like this one." Host says.

After the video

Both Remi and Blyke are redder then tomatoes.

"Damn dude you actually had the balls to kiss, I'm impressed." Isen says with a huge smirk.

"You two look good together." Seraphina says who also has a huge grin on her face.

"Come guys, just shut up already." Blyke says clearly flustered.

"Anyway will those two start dating I will start preparing the next video on Welstons 3rd strongest student, any guesses on who it is?" Host says.

"It's got to be that masked guy from Ceciles video." A random mid tier says.

"Nope, it's Arlo, but we call him Asslo." Host says.

"Wait theres someone stronger than Arlo?" Elaine asks.

"Yep, Asslo is 3rd, by the way we will be calling him Asslo from now on." Host says.

"I'm starting to understand how Cecile feels." Arlo says.

"Anyway onto the next video." Host says.

Hey guys, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and before you ask no Blemi will not be an official thing, I just wanted to have a little fun and spice things up, but if you guys want it then I can start doing ships later on in the story, just know that I'm not very good at it and I don't do things like Jarlo or Blysen, I'm very picky about my ships. Anyway next will be Arlo, then Sera, and finally we will end off with John.

Here are the ships I do:

Jemi (I won't be doing this one in this story)

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