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I walk into my office and grab the paper from my desk that my assistant left on my desk

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I walk into my office and grab the paper from my desk that my assistant left on my desk. I look at my phone and see I'm getting a call. Great. My father called me not so long ago and I hung up on him. Typically he'd call me more than once if he wanted something from me or my brother. I get another call and answer without looking at the called ID.

"What!" I say harshly into my phone. My father was the last person I needed to talk to right now. He can stop calling just as he left the cartel to me and my brother. It's fucking November.

He can might as well just go fuck himself. He knew my brother had cancer and still leaves for his bitch Jessica. Who have I become?

"Sir it's your brother." Shit, I think to myself. He better not leave me too. Not yet at lease. Why did he have to be the one to get cancer.

Why did it have to be him couldn't it have been my whore of a father who died. "I'll be there in 20" I get out of my office and head straight to his house. My brother is only 34 why in the hell is he dying. And right now. He can't leave me and his wife. Not yet. Not so soon.

I get to his house in 15 minutes and go straight to his bedroom where everyone was at. He looks white as a his bed sheets. I can't bare to see my brother like this. I have to go to Brooklyn soon for a mission and he's dying. Why now. Why at all?

Once brother sees me he motions me to come next to him, but I can't seem to get that close to him without feeling anger. Not for my brother, but for the man that I must call my father. He should at least have called and asked about him but no. He calls when he wants something. He doesn't bother to call about his son. The one that's on his deathbed.

"Javier you know why your here right?" I just nod. I don't want these people to see my soft side. Almost everyone here has seen us grow up, but mainly because our mother died after I was born because of a drug overdose 7 days after. Who am I kidding she never should have been dragged to this life.

"I have only one wish for you...I want you to find a new queen for our cartel" he told me Katherine didn't want to be apart of this lifestyle after my brother died for their daughters life.

I agreed it was the best since nobody really knew about her so she was in no harm. But I don't know who to marry. All the other cartels in Mexico have sold their daughters to perverted older men, so I guess I'll just have to find a wife in New York if there is anyone mentally prepared for that. Nobody is prepared for that.

I nod knowing there is no arguing with him. He's on his deathbed and will never see his daughter. I hope she's as brave as her father and mother. No I know she is a fighter like the both of them. A small but strong fighter.

I head out knowing my flight is at 4am tomorrow and it currently being 8 pm. It's been a long day today, dealing with my father and new problems with the cartel in Mexico that we don't involve ourselves with. Mexico being divided into 3 cartels. The Gallardo's, Hernandez's, and the De Léon's.

My mission in Brooklyn is to get into the station that is in charge of our cartel to lead them away from Mexico, But knowing my accent is very strong I have heard of accusations they have on. But only since on person has joined. I learned about her.

Ms. Garcia born in New York raised in Mexico by her grandparents. I still have no clue why she was raised by her grandparents. It's seems like she was taken at the age of 15. Her parents or what I could find about them they were pretty well off and had good jobs but I couldn't find anything about them after their daughter was taken. Like they just vanished off of thin air. Researching a woman who part of her life is a mystery.

I'm gonna meet the scariest women known in New York. Shit, maybe even the scariest woman on this planet. I guess I'll just figure her out when I meet her. Who am I kidding I bet she'll even scare me. The cases she has helped solve since joining the team.

Nah. I chuckle to myself she won't scare me.

Once I get home it's like 9 so I have 6 hours to sleep. Sounds pretty normal for me. I go to my room to make sure I have everything I'll need. Fake Mexican badge for them to think I'm sent from here to help. Check...and now time for bed. I put my suit case in my trunk and head to bed making sure to have an alarm set.

~6 hours later~

The alarm goes off and I turn it off looking at the ceiling. Here goes nothing.

"Sir did you want to stay in Ms. Garcia's apartment complex still or would you like to stay in your usual penthouse?" Ok maybe I took a liking to her but who wouldn't she's just perfect for her job and for whatever her future holds but I'm a greedy bastard who wants to know her.

"I'll just go to the complex she stays at and make sure the room is perfect."

When I was learning about her I saw that she lives in the most expensive apartment which was no surprise to me. But I still wonder why her life is so secretive. I was only able to learn about her past and when she came from Brooklyn but nothing personal.

It's maybe just to protect herself from any harm from people she has done cases on. Finding her information was not an easy task it took 12 weeks. 11 more weeks than it should have.

I was supposed to go months ago but I was just to busy and now I need to distance myself from my family in Mexico. And what better than by going and maybe getting killed by the woman who wants my family dead.

This is gonna be a long ride so I'll just catch up on what they have on us. Or more like what Diana has on us. She's one interesting woman and I can't wait to meet her.

 She's one interesting woman and I can't wait to meet her

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