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Diana fell asleep and I have Jenna on my lap

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Diana fell asleep and I have Jenna on my lap. It feels like we are a little family. When she finds out who I am she'll hate me. Jenna snuggles her face into my chest and Diana has her head leaned against my shoulder.

Never have I cared about how a women thinks of me but if she hated me I'd hate myself. I know she's gonna hate me. She's gonna regret everything. From the kiss last week to trusting me to meet her daughter and know her past.

I know she doesn't let just anyone in and she let me in. She trust me. And I'm about to ruin the trust we formed in less than a week because of who I am.

"No no no please no. Don't hurt me. No I'll do anything just don't kill them. Please. No don't hurt them. Hurt me. Please." I look to see Diana crying in her sleep.

I shake her trying to wake her up. I remember that I'm not suppose to wake anyone from a night terror. Damn it when I heard her tell me the guy that raped her worked for me I was pissed. I'm gonna torture that fucker and make him wish he was dead. I wait for her to calm down and her breathing slowed down a bit.

"Diana please wake up." I say moving her hair from her face. She moves around facing her face away from me. I have Jenna on my lap sleeping nice and soundly. "Diana please wake up." I beg her.

Shaking her a bit harder she finally wakes up but with dry tears in the corner of her eyes. I give her a side hug because I don't want Jenna to wake up.

"What happen?" I ask her. I wipe her tears and she still trying to calm down from her nightmare. That fucker is gonna die. I know I have met him once or twice because I have met everyone that works for me. Now he's gonna hear from me and Diana.

I form small circles on her back helping her calm down a bit quicker. "I saw-him in my dream. He was touching me and I wanted him to stop and-and." I stop her by placing my chin on her forehead. My blood is fucking boiling he was never gonna lay a finger on her again or anyone for that matter.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he never hurts you ok long as you two stay with me I'll protect you. At all cost."

She lays her head on my shoulder while I still form little circles on her shoulder. She slowly starts to fall asleep again. I place a quick kiss on her head and look at both girls that have been able to make me forget what a horrible person I am. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

~one long flight later~

I wake up seeing Jenna taping my shoulder wanting to go to the bathroom. I walk her there and wait for her outside of the door. I'm gonna protect this little girl no matter what the cost is. Her little wet hands tap my knee.

She walks up to me and raises her two hands up wanting me to pick her up. I lift her up and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Where were you scared me." Diana says once we were back on our seats. Jenna sits on my lap and looks at her mom.

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