Chapter 34 - End of the Prologue

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"Are you with him?"

"No, Rizza! Look, just put the gun away first."

"Then why do you have the same tattoo!?"

"It's not the same! Listen to me!" Sour reasoned

"I said back the fuck off!"

Sour released a deep sigh and looked in my direction. "Cyra, help me on this one."

He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who will stab us in the back, but...

"I trust you, Sour. But I don't know what's going on. So just stay there and explain yourself." I replied.

"Come on, man!"

"We don't have all day..." Rizza muttered.

He responded with a groan and then showed his back to us for the second time.

"Here, just give it a minute and take a closer look. This tattoo on me is different from the one we saw on Jairus' back."

I haven't seen the one on Jairus, so I don't know.

"Rizza, is it different?" I asked.

She remained silent for a couple seconds.

"The gun... it's facing the other direction," she said.

Sour released a sigh of relief and pulled his shirt down.

"Jairus is not one of the Hunters. Look, I could explain more details, but I believe we can all agree that we cannot stay here any longer. Infected will overrun this place in a matter of minutes, just as Cyra predicted.

Rizza looked at me, and I just nodded. "Yeah, let's get out of here. But I still don't trust you, so lead the way. We'll be right behind you," she said.

"Fair enough..."

Rizza kept his right hand on her gun as we followed Sour. She's really cautious of him at the moment.

As we passed the fountain just outside the prison gates, we noticed a person running.

"Who the hell—hey!" Sour called.

It was a Navigator. He looked in our direction, but he didn't stop. Instead, he fired at us and ran towards the breached wall, hence escaping Trosta.

"What the hell was that?" I asked under my heavy breathing.

Crap, why am I already exhausted?

"Anyone got hit?" Rizza asked, and we shook our heads in response.

"Cyra, can you chase after him? You can run fast, right?"

I grabbed his shoulder and started panting. "Give me a sec."

"You alright? Hey—"

I didn't even hear his next words after my ears started ringing. My knees weakened, and all I could do was stare at the ground as I lost consciousness.

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"Sour, calm down."

"How am I supposed to calm down? Did you not see what happened earlier? She threw up blood! It's been a couple hours, and she's not awake yet!"

"Fucking lower your voice. There's a horde outside, you idiot!"

"Look, I needed her to come with me. She's the reason I'm all the way here in Thurston County, but now she's dead."

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