Chapter 2

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Pov Jane

I was awakened by annoying screams, which I recognized as Hermione's. I sat up realizing that I was not in my room and trying to fix events until the moment I fell asleep in the armchair in the common room. Despite the obvious hangover, my brain was still working efficiently and everything came back to me. The party, the glasses full of booze, the Slytherin bathroom. And then Malfoy. Malfoy holding my head to help me; Malfoy taking me back to my common room; Malfoy who remains staring into space with his silver eyes sitting on one of the armchairs waiting for me to fall asleep.

As soon as Hermione saw me regain consciousness she stopped screaming and started again soon after, with a wobbly Ron and a very, very angry and worried Harry at her side. I concentrated on what Herm kept repeating, which was that I had disappeared without a trace and that they had been looking for me all night. I actually realized that the night before I had left the party without notifying them in the least. I tried to apologize but Harry took Hermione's place and started talking trying to stay calm as much as possible. He, like everyone else, had dark circles in his eyes due to the past evening but I could clearly read all his concern and anguish in his face. Harry and I have been best friends since the first year and during this time we have begun to take a protective attitude towards each other, him in particular. He is like a brother to me and I can't blame him for getting so nervous. If he had been the one to vanish into thin air during a party I would not have let him get away easily. So I suffered his outburst, aware that it would take me very little to return to Harry's graces.

It was too late to go down for breakfast - even if it must be said that with the conditions we were in we didn't pay too much attention to it - so we decided to wait for lunch, taking up the time between games of magic chess and chats in front of the fire. . When it was time to eat, we left the room and headed to the banquet, where we found other little awake faces, as I had imagined. Among all those faces, however, there was one that particularly interested me, that of Draco Malfoy. I looked for his face in the crowd of Slytherins sprawled at their table and it didn't take long to find him. I saw him, still with his eyes lost in the void, imperturbable. I started to turn around when suddenly he returned my gaze indifferently, just long enough to give me a disapproving grin and then move on to some other Gryffindor. He acted as if nothing had happened the night before, which honestly didn't surprise me at all even though it made me rethink what he had told me about seeing something he didn't want to see, and curiosity assaulted me and then left. the spot for attention to pick up the chicken thighs that just appeared before Ron finished them.

After lunch we found ourselves with the expectation of an afternoon spent doing nothing so we decided to go out into the garden. We sat under a tree to get some shade and waited for Ginny and Hailey, my sister one year younger than me, to join us. I remembered Malfoy's face and what he had said to me. Why was I giving him so much attention? The fact is that I decided to talk to Hailey about it, I needed his opinion.

It was a good twenty minutes before the two girls showed up, and I set out to confide in Hailey as soon as we had a moment just to ourselves. We spent the rest of the day laughing, joking and playing Quidditch - me, Harry, Ron and Ginny either - until it got dark and we were forced to go back inside; at that moment I approached my sister and pushed her away from the rest of the group.

"Jane all right? You have a worried face, "she said as soon as she saw my expression.

"Yes, don't worry, but here yesterday a strange thing happened to me ..."

"Oh yeah, Herm told me you suddenly disappeared from the party without warning. She and the boys were very worried, you shouldn't have done that "she interrupted quickly, with an accusatory tone but still sweet.

"I know Hailey but that's not the point. What I want to tell you is that yesterday I didn't go back to the dorm alone but with Malfoy and me- "

"How did you say sorry? Malfoy? By Merlin Jay's beard don't tell me you and him are together, "she said in alarm, which made me laugh.

"Oh, by Godric, let me finish talking. No, Malfoy and I are not together, in fact I don't understand how you came to this absurd conclusion. I was going to tell you that, well yeah, she drove me back to the dorm but only because I was too drunk to go there by myself. The thing is, then she told me this thing: I saw something I didn't want to see. I don't know what it means but I'm too curious to know, also because judging by her expression and by the fact that she preferred to be with me that staying at the party seemed something terrible "

"Jay I think you are too catastrophic. Maybe he took you back because he likes you, right? " she answered me with that of her air of her little saint.

"I hope you are joking. It's totally out of the question that he likes me, it wouldn't really be possible "I replied, annoyed and stunned by her words.

"As you say Jay. Anyway, I understand what you mean: if I know something I'll let you know, okay? And now let me go back to my dorm, I have to study since tomorrow I have a lesson with Snape at the earliest hour and- "

"Yes, I know, you have to be prepared. Then see you at dinner, stupid "

We said goodbye and returned to our common rooms to get ready for dinner.
Authors space
Hello everyone. We didn't show up in the last chapter so we'll do it now. We are a small group of friends who love to write and love Harry Potter. Result? Wattpad of course. This is our first story and we hope you enjoy it. Let us know in the comments and through the stars. Bye :D

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