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Before leaving, Todd spoke to the manager about performing there. He did it quite a bit, so the manager had no problem with it. Then Todd and I walked back to our dorm rooms together. We walked in silence but we couldn't stop smiling all the way home for no reason at all. We were like the sun and the moon, one reflecting the other. He smiled and so did I.

When we got back, the only light in our room was the moon shining through the window. Todd grabbed my hand as I went to flick on the light, "what?" I asked, whispering only because I felt like I had to. He didn't answer me but instead he took his coat off and went and sat on the radiator by the window before gesturing for me to do the same. Taking my own coat off, I went and sat next to him. "Let's just sit in the moonlight," he said quietly, looking out the window. The moon was very fascinating to me, extremity interesting, I knew very much about it. But in that moment all I could do was stare at Todd. His radiant glow flooded the room far more than the light of the moon, he was like the sun and moon and stars and my heart sank as I realised that I wasn't anything like him. He was a wonderful creature, barely human in the most amazing way possible. But me, I am nothing but a human. I am the ground he walks on, the earth he shines upon, the grass he rains on. He is the blood coursing through my veins.

"Neil? Is everything alright?" Todd asked quietly, looking right in my eyes,
"I...Todd..." I whispered wistfully,
"What? What is it Neil?" He seemed concerned and he placed a hand on my shoulder. Our faces were so close together, we were still just staring into one another's eyes, getting lost in the silence. Without a second thought, I leaned in and kissed him. I could tell he was alarmed at first which scared me, but I quickly felt him kiss me back. After pulling away I realised that the shock was too much for me to really take in the kiss, so I leaned in and we kissed once more. His lips felt blazing and fiery against mine, his breath was so warm. I could kiss him for a million years.

The next morning we woke up intertwined in each other's arms. I woke up before him and admired him for a few minutes before he woke up too and I smiled at him, "Hello," I said quietly. He looked at me, his eyes half open, and smiled wider than I had seen him smile in a while. I wanted to kiss him again and again and a million times again, but I stopped myself. Todd was still just as radiant as always. We had fallen asleep in the clothes we were wearing then night before, and since I felt dirty doing that I stood up and took them off. Todd groaned, reaching out his arm to me. I laughed at his cuteness and changed my clothes and he sat up, "I'm tired," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes, "I know, but I'm hungry and I want breakfast so up up up you get," I said enthusiastically and clapped. He groaned again before standing up and changing his clothes too.

Once we got to the hall for breakfast, we sat with our usual group of friends. We were served porridge for breakfast as we were every weekend. I watched as Charlie poured copious amounts of sugar into his and rolled my eyes. What surprised me, though, was when Todd pushed his bowl away and took out a notebook and began writing. Nobody else seemed to really care but I looked at him and asked what he was writing about. He told me it was a song for when he was going to perform but it seemed like he didn't want to share much so I dropped it and ate my porridge.

After breakfast I went to the phone to call Marion. She answered almost immediately which surprised me slightly. "Hello?" she asked and I could pretty much hear the smile on her face. "Hello Marion? It's Neil," I told her, placing a hand in the pocket of my trousers and looking around at the empty hallway I was in, "hello Neil, it's good to hear from you," she said with a giggle. I heard someone else - another girl - giggling in the background with her, and then I heard her trying to shush the girl discreetly. I was a little bit put off, but I didn't hang up, "Okay, well um...Todd going to do his show, probably on Monday, so be prepared for that. I'll pick you up at six on the day?" I just wanted to make sure she had no problems with the arrangement. The show would probably start at 6:30 but I liked to go with Todd before he started singing to comfort him and what not. "Okay, that's fine," she giggled again, "do you wanna maybe come over to my place today?" She asked and I could hear the grin on her face. When I heard this I went into panic mode because I didn't really want to but I couldn't say no. "Oh um...well, alright. Okay. What time should I come over?" On the inside I was groaning at myself for not thinking of an excuse. "You can come over at twelve, that's fine," she told me and this gave me a good opportunity for an excuse, "hm...well, that's usually the time we have lunch at my school." I felt proud that I had come up with an excuse that wasn't actually a lie,
"Oh it's fine, you can have lunch here."
"Oh," I paused, not knowing what to say now, "are you sure? I don't want to intrude."
"You say that as if there's going to be people in my house." She laughed and I laughed awkwardly along. "Okay, I'll see you then. Bye bye Neil."
And with that, she hung up.

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