Halley's Comet

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Sunday came and went and suddenly it was Monday! Which meant today was Todd's show. All day, throughout lessons and lunch, I had been so excited for his show. As soon as school ended I raced to my room and immediately got ready for it. Todd laughed at me, "Neil we don't have to leave for like...another three hours," he told me with a smile plastered across his face, "I know, I know, but I'm so excited!" I exclaimed, practically bouncing as I moved. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "I can't believe I have to do this on a Monday...no one is going to show up."
"Are you kidding me!? Loads of people will be there! People will be lining up outside the door, shoving people out of the way, elbowing them and all just to see the amazing! Todd! Anderson!" I yelled, jumping at him and doing jazz hands. He burst out laughing and so did I. His laugh was always contagious.

Eventually Todd finally got ready and we left. The first stop was Marion's house. When we knocked, her little brother answered, "She's just getting ready," he said in a deadpan voice before walking away. Todd and I laughed a little and waited for her. Finally, after what felt like forever, she came out and we could leave for the show. At one point we got to a part of the pavement that was too small for all of us, so I walked next to Todd and Marion walked behind us. "Am I finally going to hear the song that you've kept tucked away in your little notebook all this time?" We both laughed and he nodded, "yes yes of course," he responded with an eye roll. "I'm glad," I told him, "did you ever speak to the girl you went on a date with ever again by the way?" I asked, only trying to make conversation. He shook his head and stuck his hands in his pockets, "no...I don't think she liked me much to be honest but I don't mind. I didn't like her much either." We both laughed.

Once we got there, Todd began to act nervous as he usually did. I sat with my arm around him which seemed to calm him more. "Why did we have to come so early?" Marion complained with a huff, "so that he has time to get ready to perform," I responded, rubbing Todd's shoulder. Shortly after, Todd's brother Jeffrey arrived. Jeffrey usually played the instruments for Todd as he sang which I thought was pretty cute. When he arrived he said hi to Todd and then looked at me with a very welcoming smile, as if he knew something that I didn't. I smiled back at him since I didn't want to be rude but I felt a little nervous.

Eventually it was time to Todd perform. He sang songs that I had already heard and he slowly became more confident as people danced and cheered for him. Then finally it was time for his last song, and it was one that I had never heard before. It was a beautiful slow song and he looked very beautiful and focused as he sang it.

I don't want it,
And I don't want to want you.
But in my dreams I seem to be more honest,
And I must admit you've been in quite a few.

People slow danced to it, but all I could do was stand there in a trance and watch him. His heavenly voice filled my ears and it almost felt as if I was floating. Then he looked me right in the eyes as he sang,

Silly me to fall in love with you

My heart fluttered at these words. In love? With me? Is that what he was saying? I felt Marion's eyes on me but my attention was a hundred percent on Todd as he sang.

I was good at feeling nothing, now I'm hopeless
What a drag to love you like I do

I've been loved before, but right now in this moment
I feel more and more like I was made for you
For you

Then the piano changed to a different tune. To be honest, I didn't think it could get much better but as the song played I felt as if it was just me and him in that room, in the world, and nothing else ever had or ever will matter as much as him in this moment.

I'm sitting in my brother's room
Haven't slept in a week or two, or two
I think I might have fallen in love
What am I to do?

The song finished and everyone cheered, but I still felt as if I was frozen in a trance. He looked at me and smiled wide and I smiled right back before cheering and clapping along with everyone else. Once it was all over and most people had gone I went up on stage and hugged Todd so tightly that I thought I might kill him. I loosened my grip and he hugged me back. I could tell Marion was standing with her arms crossed looking annoyed but I didn't even care. Oh how I desperately wanted to kiss Todd right then and there and tell him I was in love with him too, but of course I couldn't. Once Jeffery had cleaned up we were ready to go.

"Uh, Marion, do you mind if I just go straight back with Todd? I'm a little tired..." I said, just wanting to get back as soon as I could to be alone with him. "What? Are you being serious?" She said, sounding furious. "I'm sorry it's just-"
"I could walk you back," Jeffery said with a shrug. Marion looked up at him, "you could?" She asked and he smiled and nodded. She seemed satisfied with this and they left together, leaving me and Todd to be alone with each other.

Once we got back, I locked the door and left the light off before sitting on my bed. He sat right next to me, our legs touching, and we looked at each other. "Was it about me?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He smiled and nodded. God, he always looked so pretty in the moonlight. I couldn't help but kiss him. He kissed me back. Then I kissed him again...and again, and again and again before one thing led to another and I was on top of him and we barely took breaths between kissed. And soon we had taken our shirts off then our pants and then, well...you know how it goes.

The End

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