Untitled Part 7

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*Pixie's POV*

I miss him so much, I know he cheated on me and all that but he's changed. I kept telling myself that whenever I was sad 'Brendon changed, he did it for me.'

You see, Brendon was my boyfriend back in the city. mum never liked him, apparently he was reckless and badly behaved. Well what would you expect for the son of cat woman. He had quoiffed brown hair, but not like the chavvy kind, deep brown eyes and the most amazing personality ever. He took me to my first party(thanks over protective mum) and was my first kiss.

However, he cheated on me with triumph Quinn, Harley's daughter, I was heartbroken but then he wrote this song about me and I just realised that people can change. Like he realised and anyway triumph didn't have 'that much of' a bruise on her stale caked on face after I was done with her.

Oh yeah and before I forget, Brendon's powers are his super intelligence, strength, ability to turn into a wolf and for some reason his music just has this effect on people.

New character!!!! just for you gibboem I know how you like your brendons and yes he comes with whipped cream and money.

On another note, I got new jeans and shoes they are patent brogues without the stamping and they're for school so if you go to school with me you'll see them tomorrow.

Peace out doofuses.

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