let us plot

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*Pixies POV*

Ok, so it turns out freddie has to go to the ball thingy too. PLOTTING TIME. (cue creepy music)

The plan, dun dun duuuun:

1) ask mum whether freddie has to bring a date.

2a) if yes: cont. to step 3

2b) if no: get mum to get loki to text hiemdal to tell freddie he needs a date to give of a good image.

3) Tell Skye and thal to say no if Freddie asks them

4) Talk to Freddie and subtly suggest that he asks echo

5) Laugh like a maniac when my plan works

Time to put my plan into action

*Time skip - Next week*

*echos POV*

As I was browsing through tumblr (mychemicalecho), I came across some really pretty dresses, yes I said dresses Quel Horreur! But I'm never going to wear them so I just liked the post and carried on scrolling, sinking further into my sofa crease, the leather squeaking against my coat. Freddie came in with blade and saw me scrolling. Blade started shoving him towards me with a large smirk on his face. Oh my god what are they up to this time!?

"Hey Scape, Um so theres this god family reunion hoojimawatzit, yeah and dad said I needed to bring someone. So I was wondering if you could, would maybe, kinda wanna go with me?"

OH MY MOTHER RUSSIA I must play it cool. I start to get up from the chair and then... SQUEEEEEAAAAAK. Aw sugar.

"Yeah I'll go with you, excuse the sneak though."

He starts smiling and so does Blade.

"Oh and Blade you're coming dress shopping with me and barry, I need two guys opinions."

Well that wiped that smile off of his face.


Um so I'm not enjoying writing this story that much anymore... I might not update that much anymore because I'm still struggling with my gender and identity but when I do update I hope it'll be good.

Peace out doofuses


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