Chapter Five

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"We were all in the tavern, drinking, laughing, a few of us were even dancing. Everyone was drunk, more than we should have been, the ale was strong. It was warm that day, the heat made the day unbearable. We were all glad the sun went away, happy to drink. I wasn't thinking, I was drunk." Sihtric sighed, clearly the memory was not a good thing, no part of it was. "I was going for a piss break, just walked out of the tavern went down the alley between it and the Inn. I stopped when I got into the dark, everything felt weird but I was drunk and I wasn't thinking," Sihtric looked at Finan like he wouldn't believe him, like he was trying to persuade him to understand.

Finan nodded his head, he did understand, he did believe him. He had made his fair share of mistakes. Sihtric looked away and continued. "I untied my trousers, went to pull them down and the next thing I know is a bag is over my head. I tried to fight them off, there were about three of them. But I was blind and drunk, one of them had my hands. At some point I was hit in the head with something hard."

Finan cringed slightly, the thought of Sihtric being taken and abused all while he was just on the other side of a wall. Still Sihtric kept on, "I was put on a horse, we rode for awhile. At one point we stopped, I tried to take off the bag from my head, that's when they kicked me. At first it was just the backs of my knees but after I tried to get back up, they just kept on," Sihtric softly put his hand over his stomach while he was talking remembering the pain.

He continued on, "I don't remember blacking out but I woke up back on a horse. We rode for hours, then we stopped again. I was pulled off the horse, my head bagged and my wrists tied. They shoved me into a tent, tied me and left." Finan shuttered, the entire thing made him want to cry, and hold Sihtric. His grip on the mans hand had tightened, but so had the other mans grip. "After many hours had passed Sven came into the tent, for awhile he stared at me. Then he grabbed my hair, started to pull and rip at my braids. As he did he told me him and Kjartan's plan, along with throwing many a curse towards me. Their plan was to take prisoner of me and lure in Uhtred, when they knew they had him in their grip they'd kill me." Finans grip had somehow gotten tighter, so much it was painful.

"I-we wouldn't have let that happen, I'm still not sure I'm not going to find them and kill them all slowly. Which I can do if you want me too," Finan looked at Sihtric, trying to let him know he was serious. When he turned though he saw Sihtric staring at their hands, which subconsciously still neither of them had noticed prior. "I've said it before, I care for you. I wouldn't let them kill you." Both the men were looking at their interlocked hands, not daring to look at the others eyes.

"I know, and I care for you too." At this comment Finans eyes flitted to the Danes face, trying to see if there was any hint of a lie on it. There wasn't. The two men were hesitant, if the other was thinking something different it could end up in a load of trouble.

In the world they lived in to be a homosexual was a sin. In both religions, though for the pagans it was much less severe. The Catholics faith told them that it was punishable by death, a very serious crime. If one of the men was to confess their feelings and the other not reciprocate—if they do chose to—they could have the other man killed.

The men continued to look into each other's eyes, searching for something. Anything that could give away a clue or hint. There was a small bruise on Sihtric's left cheekbone, somehow Finans thumb came to rest upon it the rest of his fingers sliding into the hair behind his ear. His thumb swiped lightly across the bruise. It was a tender moment. Finans eyes rested upon the Danes face but not his eyes anymore. Sihtric's gaze was locked onto Finans lips.

In a rush of passion and force Sihtric quickly grabbed onto Finans face and pulled the man closer to him, bringing his lips to the Irishman's. After a second he pulled away, unable to meet Finans eyes. Both the men both still had their hands resting on the others face, Finan took the hand by Sihtric's ear and slid it down to the Danes chin, gently tipping it forward. He waited for Sihtric to look up at him. When he finally did Finan, much more softly this time, brought his lips to the Danes.

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