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I smiled as I danced to the music that filled my ears through the headphones, cleaning the living room as I went.

"And that was Motionless In White's newest song, 570! Now, listeners, all of you have been waiting for the day the contest is announced and it is here! Before we begin, we have a message from our favorite band!" I heard over the radio then I stopped, listening as Chris Motionless began speaking in my ear.

"Hey, guys and gals! So, for our next contest, we have decided to bring one fan on a complete three month tour with us! The rules are simple: you have to be eighteen, please, and you have to be prepared to live with a bunch of strangers for three months. Now, to enter the contest, all you have to do is a short entry on our website and we will pick the winner in one month from today. Good luck to all of you guys, we love you!" He said then I gasped as arms wrapped around my stomach and I pulled my headphones down, turning to see Billy there.

"Hi, Billy." I smiled, my smile dropping slightly as he stared down at my body.

"I thought we agreed you'd work on losing weight." He said and I smiled softly.

"We-we did, Billy. I-I haven't eaten today and I-I've been working all day-"

"You weren't when I came in!" He snarled and shoved me to the ground, tearing my headphones from my phone and hearing the music.

"God, I was actually hoping you'd behave today, of all days!" Billy yelled and kneeled over me, hitting me over and over.


I finished the survey then looked over my shoulder towards the bedroom where Billy slept on our bed. As I looked back at my laptop screen, I saw the entry window for the contest closing and hit 'submit'. I wasn't hopeful, as probably thousands of people were entering. Right before I closed my laptop, I saw another box pop up and pushed my screen up, reading the last question.

Why should we choose you to be our guest on tour? It was a simple question, and a helping hand if I chose to take it, but I couldn't help it as I looked at Billy and wondered what he would think or do if he found out about this. I bit my lip then looked at the question again and began to type, giving my reasons to my favorite band who had unintentionally saved my life multiple times.

Chris' POV
"Man, I knew we'd get a lot of entries, but this is..." Vinny whined, looking over the millions of entries to the contest and it was only the first week.

"How are we going to choose?" Devin asked, but I looked at Ricky as he shot up, reading one of the entries.

"I think I found the winner-"


"Just hear me out, Ryan." He said and licked his lips.

"Her name is Kallista Hall, she lives in a small town in Maine and she has listened to every single on of our songs-"

"Obsessed fan is not what we need." Josh laughed, making Ricky roll his eyes.

"When asked why she wanted to be on the tour, this was her answer." He said and handed the tablet to Josh, who's brow dropped in confusion.

"What's it say?" Vinny asked and Josh glanced at me.

"'For a chance to escape hell for a last vacation.'" He said then I took the tablet and looked through the profile, not seeing a picture like most entries had, but instead words written by a woman who was supposedly three years younger than me.

Name: Kallista Olive Hall
Date Of Birth: March 29th, 1989
Occupation: Unemployed
Home Town: Rangeley, Maine
Profile: Just a woman who has listened to all of your music and then some looking to escape for a few months.
Reason For Joining Contest: For a chance to escape hell for a last vacation.

"Chris?" I looked at Ryan then licked my lips.

"Do we agree on this... Kallista Hall?" I asked and saw them looking for her on their tablets.

"I do." Josh said and Ricky nodded, leaving Vinny, Ryan, and Devin as the only ones to vote.

"She needs help." Devin said and we looked at Ryan and Vinny, who both nodded.

"Then we will wait until the end and announce the winner." I said and looked at the profile again, wondering what this Kallista woman looked like.

Two Weeks Later
I watched Billy as he left for work then I went to the window, watching as he drove off to the farm to work. When I was sure he was gone, I went to my laptop and opened it, keeping the Motionless In White band page open so I could get the results of the contest.

"It's not like I'll win." I whispered and went about cleaning up the empty bottles and the cups from the party last night. As I worked, I listened to the page's music and waited for the live announcement.

"Hey to all of our fans! We will be announcing the winner of the contest here in two minutes!" I heard the voice of Ricky Horror say then I set the trash bag down, going to the table and sitting in front of my laptop. When it was time, I saw a live feed of the band.

"Hello to everyone currently watching this! Now, as you know, today we will be announcing the winner of the Tour Contest, but first we'd like to say some things." Chris started, but Ryan spoke right after him.

"It was hard for us to choose, with so many different entries into the contest. I don't really know how we reached a verdict on who to pick, but we did and now we hope there will be no hard feelings." He said and Chris nodded.

"It wasn't easy, because we'd love to have all of you here on tour with us, but we only have space for one person, and that person is..." He dramatically paused, grinning at the band.

"Entry number five hundred and eight four: Kallista Hall of Rangeley, Maine!" He said, but I couldn't believe my ears. I had won out of over a million entries!

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