Twenty Five

12 0 0

Laura Hall


I smiled as Isaac played games against Ryan then looked up as Chris grabbed my hip.

"Your grandparents just got in, Mel is driving them up with my parents and Allie." He said and I nodded, thankful this 4th of July for the great family I had.

"And Laura?" Ricky asked as he came over, drinking a Naked Juice that just looked and tasted nasty in my opinion.

"Still nothing." I said and he nodded.

"Well, whatever. We'll make due without her." He said then I looked over as the door opened and grinned as I saw Andy come in with CC, Jake, Jinxx, Vinny, and Justin.

"Vinny, Batman!" I cheered and went over, hugging my best friends.

"Beautiful, beautiful home, Kalli!" Andy said and I saw Isaac eyeing the guys.

"Boys, this is my brother Isaac. Isaac, this is Andy, CC, Vinny, Jinxx, Justin, and Jake." I said and Isaac waved, whining as Ryan killed his character.

"Ryan, come on!" Isaac laughed then Andy eyed me, but I waved it off.

"Come on, Nick is out back grilling." I said and we went to the porch then I saw Nick expertly flip the burgers.

"Those fast food jobs finally paid off." Chris teased his brother, everyone laughing as Nick glared.

"Kalli, we're here!" I went into the house then squealed and hugged my grandparents.

"You've done well for yourself, Little Greek." Grandpa said and I nodded as Mel came over and stood next to me.

"Hey, someone's outside." She whispered and I went out front, slowing as I saw Laura standing there.

"Hi, Kallista." She whispered and I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"I'm not in the mood for more fights-"

"I'm sorry!" She rushed as I turned to go inside, which stopped me as I looked at her.

"For-for abandoning you and leaving you to the mercy of Billy, for not telling you about mom and dad myself, for everything! I'm a stuck up bitch with a dick in her ass, in your words, and I deserve your hatred. I-I just wanted you to know I'm sorry." She said and I sighed, looking at the house and hearing the laughter of my family and friends inside.

"Kalli?!" I heard Chris call, looking for me, but I turned to Laura and went towards her.

"Kallista, please, I'm so sorry-" She stopped as I hugged her then her arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly.

"That's all I wanted, Laura!" I whispered and let her go as Chris came onto the porch.

"Babe, Nick's got the food done." Chris said and I nodded, taking Laura's hand and pulling her inside.

"Come on, come meet everyone." I told my sister and we went to the backyard where she met everyone, my grandparents looked happy as I laughed with my siblings, and I laughed as Isaac tripped and fell into Jinxx's lap. My poor brother was red as a tomato.

"Alright, fireworks time!" Andy yelled as the sun was finally down then Chris was charged with setting them off in the drive. As the fireworks shot up into the air, I stood with my siblings and we enjoyed the night.


"Bye, babe!" Chris called and I waved as he left to lunch with his friends. I sighed and got up, doing all the chores while he was gone so there'd be a clean house when he came home.

"Alright, all that's left is laundry." I whispered and went into the laundry room, cursing the washer when I had to bend half into it just to get the clothes out. Once that was done, I folded and sorted all the clean laundry. As I got the stuff out of the dryer to throw into the basket, I again cursed the tall as machine as I hopped up some and reached for the sock at the bottom. As I tried to push myself out, I gasped as I heard my shirt tearing and felt my bra clasp get tugged.

"Fuck, seriously?!" I yelled and tried to reach back to get myself free, but there wasn't enough space for me to reach the clasp and dropping down more didn't free myself either.

"Okay, maybe my phone!" I said and tried to reach back, but I couldn't get my phone that was in the front pocket of my sweats.

"Come on, universe!" I hissed then tried to push myself up, but heard more tearing and stopped.

"Fuck me!"

Chris' POV
I laughed as I ate my fries then Ricky shook his head, done with his story.

"Hey, how's the new house?" Ryan asked and I nodded.

"Good, man. Kalli hates laundry though, since the machines are too tall for her. She's afraid she's gonna get stuck one day." I said and he nodded.

"Those things are dangerous, tell her to be careful." He said and I nodded, since she knew that.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked and Angelo looked at his phone.

"Half past four, why?" He asked, but I shook my head as I tried to figure out why I felt like I had to go home now.

"I don't know, maybe nothing." I said and shook my head again.

"Chris, you good?" Ricky asked, making me look at him, then I huffed and nodded.

"Good, fine. I'm going to call Kalli real quick." I said and heard them making whipping sounds as I stood, going outside to call my fiancée. It rang, but eventually went to her voicemail and I frowned.

"She always answers." I whispered and tried to think. Maybe she's napping, yeah. Asleep and didn't hear her phone. Or she's busy and didn't hear it ringing. I took a deep breath then went inside, sitting back down as I tried to think.

"All good, man?" Ryan asked, but I shook my head and tried to call her again, only to get the same result.

"Chris, what's wrong?" Josh asked, but I licked my lips.

"She's not answering." I said and Ricky's brows went up.

"You think she's sleeping?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"I'm gonna head out, make sure she's okay." I said and they nodded, not saying anything as I left some money for my bill. Please be okay.

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