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I looked up as someone knocked on the door to my bunk then sat up as Chris poked his head in.

"Hey, how was the show?" I asked and he smiled.

"It was amazing, but I need you to get dressed." He said and I softly laughed as I looked at the time.

"Chris, it's already seven-"

"Please, Kalli?" He pleaded and I nodded, making him grin.

"Awesome!" He shut the door and left, giving me privacy to get dressed. When I was dressed, I went out to the front lounge then saw the guys laying down in their bunks or relaxing, but Chris was grabbing the keys to the rental car that we had while in Miami for the four day stop.

"Ready?" Chris asked and I nodded, grabbing my new bag and going to him.

"Where are you two going so late?" Ryan asked, but Chris grinned and took my hand, leading me off the bus.

"Chris, where are you taking me?" I laughed as he held open the truck door for me then he shut it and went around, getting in and turning the car on. I wasn't sure why Chris insisted on getting a truck for this stop, but he wouldn't let the crew get them any other type of rental car and I was seriously curious about why.

"Are you going to kill me now?" I joked, but he shook his head as we drove out to an empty field about an hour outside the city.

"No, but I have a surprise. Close your eyes." He said and I slowly put my hands over my eyes, hearing him get out of the truck. I heard him moving around in the bed of the truck then heard my door open.

"Okay, come here." He said and I felt him basically deadlift me from the cab, setting me down in the field.

"Follow me." He said as he held my wrist, leading me somewhere.

"Okay... and look." I opened my eyes as my hands dropped then I gasped, seeing the millions upon millions of stars above us, the Milky Way showing as well, and the truck bed was set up with blankets and pillows, some soda, a few snacks, and a lantern to light up the truck pallet.

"You-you said you wanted to see the stars without pollution-"

"Chris, I said that one week ago in Tampa!" I laughed then looked up, smiling as I saw the stars shining on us.

"Uh, yeah, so I worked to get this set up for you." He said and I looked at him then smiled, hugging his neck.

"I love it, Chris!" I whispered and let go as he held my hips, staring at the truck and the stars. As I looked up at Chris, something clicked.

"This-this is a date?" I whispered and he nodded, looking nervous.

"Only if you want it to be, though! I-I won't make anything of it if not-" He stopped as I put my hand over his mouth then I smiled, moving my hand to push his hair back behind his ear.

"I love it, Chris. I want this to be a date." I said then he grinned and set me in the truck bed, climbing up next to me and laying against the pillows with me.

"Do you have a show tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"Tomorrow night though, so no rush." He said and I smiled as I laid against his side, his arms around me as we stared at the stars.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be a star. Loved and beautiful no matter what you look like. Some stars are red, others yellow, some blue and some white, small or big, weirdly shaped or perfectly shaped, yet all of them loved and consider beautiful." I said and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I used to wish I was a star, so that the world would love me finally, but I-I don't need to be a star now." I said and looked at Chris, seeing he was smiling at me.

"You're my star, Kallista." He said and brushed my hair back, making me smile as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I smiled then held the back of his neck, pulling him down to me and kissing his pierced lips. I felt his hands grip me tighter, but he leaned in further and deepened the kiss. Unlike every time Billy kissed me, kissing Chris was like fireworks in my mouth, a stampede where my heart was, feathers in my stomach, tingling in my fingertips and my toes, and just... it was perfect! He was perfect!

"Mm." He smiled as he laid his head on mine and I grinned, playing with his hair.

"Well, I was trying to be a gentleman and wait, but-"

"Fuck that." I whispered and he grinned as he softly kissed me again.

"Chris, what about after the tour?" I asked and looked at him, seeing the worry in his eyes.

"You can move to Scranton with me, I-I've been trying to find a way to ask, but then Billy got arrested and-" He stopped as I kissed him then I smiled and shook my head.

"I'd love to live in Scranton with you." I whispered and he grinned, nodding as he pulled away from me.

"Uh, here, I brought the tea you love." He said and I smiled as I took it, opening the bottle and sipping it.

"Mmm, sweet tea is the best." I whispered and he laughed, sipping his drink.

"I'll take your word for it." He said and I grinned as I reached up, playing with my necklace.

"I never really thanked you, Chris." I said and he eyed me like I was crazy.

"For getting me from the house, bringing me here, caring about me, everything. Then this, the perfect date with the perfect guy and-"

"The perfect girl." He said and I smiled as I leaned forward, softly kissing him again.

"I meant it." He whispered and I eyed him confused.

"You're my star, perfect however you look." He breathed and pushed my hair back, holding my cheek.

"You're really smooth." I grinned and he laughed as we grabbed the snacks, enjoying our country style date. And it was perfection.

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