Twenty Seven

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"KALLI!" I turned and gasped as Andy hugged my stomach, lifting me up and twirling me.

"NO!" I heard the MIW guys yell then Andy put me down and eyed my boys.

"What'd I do?!" He asked, looking at me, but Justin spoke before I could.

"She's on her period!" He said and I glared at the man, who gave me a small nervous smile as I looked at Andy.

"Oh, uh, sorry." He said, but I shook my head.

"It's alright. It's good to see you too, Andy." I said and he smiled as I glared at my boys. As I looked at Andy, I softly smiled and let out a breath.

"I wish I had time to spare, but we're on the way to an interview-"

"Right! Sorry, I just wanted to let you guys know we're having band karaoke tonight." He said as the guys came to stand right behind me.

"Thanks, Andy, we'll be there." Chris said then we left to find the interview tent. When we got there, I saw the fans sitting in the chairs as the interviewer got ready.

"Motionless in White! Ah, and Kalli!" She said and offered her hand to Chris, who shook it.

"Amanda Dawes. Such a pleasure to meet you guys!" She said and we were handed mics then she began.

"So, Kalli, you were the winner of their tour a while back and now you're engaged to Chris. Tell us what magic happened on that tour to bring us here!" She grinned and I laughed as Chris grabbed my hand, smiling as he played with my ring.

"Well, when I got to the tour, I was in a bad place. I don't know what made me open up to them, but I trusted these guys and Chris and I just kind of gravitated together. I found myself happy around him and he was happy with me, so we took a chance together." I said and Chris grinned as the fans cheered when he kissed my knuckles.

"Guys, we all know of her traumatic event. I assume she's doing much better if she's here, but how did you guys settle into the new routine with her?" Amanda asked and Ricky answered this time.

"It was hard, especially for Chris, Ryan, Vinny, and myself. We were there for her first tour with us, we were the first to help her, and we had to completely relearn her. Justin got a soft break because that was his first time meeting her-"

"It was still scary! I didn't want to hurt her!" Justin jumped in and I smiled as Vinny leaned forward some, hugging my neck.

"It was difficult, but we did it together and we found a balance." Ryan said as the fans cheered for them, but I grinned as I felt the love of my boys.

"Chris, let's ask you some questions!" Amanda said and Chris nodded.

"That ring is just absolutely gorgeous! Do you mind if I ask where you found it?" She asked and he smiled.

"I'm almost surprised Kallista hasn't figured it out yet." He laughed and I eyed him confused.

"Kalli's grandmother gave it to me, because it belonged to Kalli's mother and she wanted it to be the ring Kalli wore. So, I was given the ring and I decided to honor her mom's wishes." He said and I looked at the ring, pulling it off and seeing the engraving on the inside of the band. 'For my Angel'.

"How did I-" I stopped and shook my head, looking at Chris in awe as I fell even more in love with him.

"I-I didn't even recognize it!" I whispered and he smiled.

"Well, I'm still happy you love it." He said and I smiled as I put the ring on, leaning over and hugging his neck.

"I love you, Chris." I whispered, making him chuckle as he held me.

"I love you too." He whispered, kissing my head as he let me go.

"Okay, one last question for Kalli before we go to the fan questions!" Amanda said and I nodded.

"Kallista, you're obviously a very, very beautiful woman. Did you use your feminine gifts to-"

"Excuse me?!" I asked and she looked shocked.


"No, Justin! Amanda, what are you asking me?!" I asked and she swallowed hard.

"We-well, many people idolize Chris Motionless-"

"And you're suggesting what?!" I laughed as the air grew tense and awkward.

"Let me be real here, Kalli. You said before you were in a bad place, that the tour was your ticket out, and you 'gravitated' towards Chris. Everyone loves the lead singer, so did you use your beauty to win his heart over?" She asked and I rolled my tongue in my cheek, very obviously pissed off.

"Amanda Dawes, correct?" She slowly nodded then I made sure the mic was at my mouth and picking up my words very clearly.

"No, I didn't fuck my way into his heart. If you must know, we didn't even have sex for the first time until after my traumatizing event. You're suggesting I slept my way to heaven, to a famous guy, and away from my hell? You're fucking wrong! I didn't use my body, my beauty, or my looks to get what I wanted! I'm here because I was genuine, I love Chris because of who he is outside of his music. Great, I got a famous guy! Awesome, don't care! I care about how much he loves chicken wings, how much he cares for his friends and family! I care about what he likes, dislikes, and what he loves!" I spit and saw she looked embarrassed, but I wasn't done.

"You can sit there and talk shit all you want, because you don't know me, you don't know Chris, you don't know any of my boys! And yes, all of this band I consider my boys, guys I genuinely care for as my friends, my brothers, and the love of my life! Hear that?! Love, singular, not plural! Ask me a question like that again, I'll do more damage than just this! Now, if you would excuse me, I believe the people who care have questions for us!" I said and saw she looked so embarrassed, but I smiled at the fans.

"You, darling, in the pink." I said and felt Chris' hand on my leg, seeing him giving me a small that meant he was proud of how I handled that.

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