catcged (and released ?)

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olivia rodrigo came over with a big bat and started to swung at timmy and jungcook. but jungcook used his vampire strength to protect timmy.

"timmy !!! run my little human capri sun !!!! go save youre mom !!!!!!" jungcook said, fighting off olivia rodrigo

"ok !!!!!!" timmy said. he ran over to the cage. ed sheerang was trying to fite him off.

"YOU CANT HAVE Y/N SHES MINE" ed sheerang said.

"SHE ARE MY MOM !!!!!!!! LET HER GO !!!!!!!!!" timmy yelled back.

they both started to fite each kfber.

y/n was unconscious in teh cage.

tings were looking bad...... until

"TIMMY" alex and puck said.

they had brought bek, bee, and micheal corleoni too !!! they were gonna help save teh day !!!!!!!!!

live and war 2: the rise if timmy corleoni-malfly-styles (a puck special)Where stories live. Discover now