jungcook and timmy quickly fastly gave the cluse they find in y/n and drako and hairry's room to the rest of the group.
micheal corleoni, the leader of the italian mafia inspected the evidence before giving it to the rest of the group. he was italian, and holding motzarela sticks.
after inspecting the hairry pottor movies, puck said "WAIT ?!?!?!?! i think someone on our TEAM took y/n!!!!!!!!" the entire team gasped.
then olivia rodrigo started singing her hut sing traitor

live and war 2: the rise if timmy corleoni-malfly-styles (a puck special)
Storie d'amoretimmy corleoni-malfly-styles must save his mom y/n wit teh help of sexy bad boy jungcook, teh leader of the jacuzzi (japanese mabia). 🥵🥵😍😍😍😍🥴🥴🥴🥴but whag secrets is this sexy bad boy hiding ????? READ TO FIND OUT !!!!!!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️�...