Chapter Ten- Earth 9907 (1)

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We dropped into a live firefight.

Silver bullets flew over the battlefield as gunshots rang out from the other side.

"We're too late." Wanda looked around horrified at what was happening.

Looking out over the right side of the battlefield, soldiers in black uniforms marched forward. Black masks covered their faces and the Hydra logo sat embedded on their shoulders.

I looked around at the ruined city. New York City to be exact, a flag was draped from the Empire State Building. The logo of Hydra was stitched across the front.

Red skies and smoke billowed from the rest of the city.

"What happened here?" Peter spoke from the silence.

"It looks like Hydra has taken over America." Strange spoke silently. "We'll need to find out more."

The squadron of Hydra soldiers pressed on still not sensing our presence.

"Good. I've been itching for a fight." I said grabbing Peters shoulder and teleporting us above the soldiers.

"Warning next time please." I said as I dropped next to him in battle.

A man stood above the crowd of tired, dirty soldiers as they watched the silver dust sprinkle through the battlefield along with a bunch of webs.

"Who are they?" A man said standing up next to him.

"Reinforcements?" Another asked.

"Commander Barnes? Does it really matter? They're fighting Hydra. I say we fight." A woman said stepping forward.

"You're right, Sharon." The man said. "We fight."

The small group of soldiers charged the battlefield with only one goal in mind. Victory.

"Is Hydra usually this ugly" Spiderman asked as he swung a guy towards me that I cut down with my sword.

"Usually they're uglier. Always this stupid though." I said teleporting behind a guy and putting my sword through him.

Spiderman laughed. "Ridiculously cool sword dude, where can I get me one of those?"

"One of kind." I said turning and throwing a knife over Peters shoulder sending the Hydra Solider to the ground.

One by one the soldiers began to fall until they were no more.

"Carter?" A voice asked from behind me.

I turned around to see a familiar man in a tattered military suit as the rest of the soldiers fell into line behind him.

"Bucky?" I asked.

"How are you alive?" He asked grabbing my shoulders. "I watched you die, you and Steve fell right in front of me."

"What?" I asked confused.

"This is not the Carter you know, Mr. Barnes." Strange said as him and Wanda floated down.

"Wow, thanks for showing up, you guys really beat them down." I said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?" Bucky asked.

"We're from a different Earth, one of the others in the vast multiverse. We are just variants of your old friends." Strange said.

"What happened here?" Wanda asked looking around.

"Not here." Bucky said sadly. "Follow us." He turned around and looked at his small band of soldiers. "Move out!"

We began jogging through the streets avoiding Hydra patrols before we came to a blocked off sewer system that had been cleverly hidden under a bridge.

We followed the system all the way back to a small hideout under ground. We passed injured soldiers who were writhing in pain as doctors attended to them.

"Good work out there, Barnes. You've really stepped into Steve's shoes." A brunette man said leaning over a war table.

"With all due respect sir. No one call fill those shoes." Barnes said. "We also had some help."

The man turned around revealing an all too familiar facial hair style.

Tony Stark.

"Strange, Carter, Peter?" Tony asked confused.

"And Wanda." I said pointing at her.

He rose a hand to his face. "Right, Wanda."

What was that about?

"I take it since you're with her, you are not from my Earth?" Tony asked.

Strange shook his head. "We're not, but we need to understand what happened here."

Tony turned around and slammed his hand into the war table.

"Years ago, once Cap came out of the ice back in two thousand we dealt with Loki and the Chitauri in two thousand and ten. Then we had to mop up Hydra a couple years later, or at least we thought." Tony started. "We discovered enhanced in the field, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff. Weird and Fast. Was how Cap said it."

"But there was another." Sharon said. "Red Skull came out of a cryogenic sleep and lead his Third Reich into world domination."

"With the Scarlet Witch on his side, we never stood a chance." Tony said. "Until you." He pointed at me.

"A teenage boy full of cosmic, dimensional power found us, about five years after Hydra's rule." Tony said. "It wasn't until Barnes had brought back information from a scouting mission we made our move."

"Carter went out in an attempt to take Wanda down, the greatest American assassin with over a thousand confirmed Hydra kills in his time with us." Sharon spoke. "He didn't take Wanda out but he brought back a defector."

"My brother." Wanda said putting things together.

"Wanda was furious that her brother betrayed her, so they came to America. The only safe place left in the world. It only took days for the country to fall into Hydra's hand. They had already infiltrated SHIELD for however long it was we had no idea." Sharon continued.

"Months later, we finally got intel on the Scarlet Witches location." Tony said. "I sent Steve, Carter, Barnes, Pietro, and Natasha in."

"Three came back." I said pacing.

Tony nodded. "They walked right into a trap."

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Steve was the first to fall, we didn't even see it coming as his body hit the floor." Barnes said remembering what had happened. "With a flick of her fingers. She just snapped his neck."

Wanda looked like she was about to puke.

"Carter took his stand." Barnes said. "Pietro was quick to realize what was happening and stepped in to try and reason with her. In her distraction Carter had teleported his way to Wanda and gutted her like a fish. It didn't work. In a last ditch attempt Carter self destructed himself and the only reason the three of us are still alive is because of how fast Pietro is."

"He's alive?" Wanda asked.

Barnes cocked his head.

"In our world, her brother was killed by Ultron. A murderous AI, that our Tony created."

"I'm evil?" Tony asked.

Peter shook his head. "You messed up, that's all. In the end you sacrificed yourself to save the universe. You were somewhat of a father figure to me."

"Can I see Pietro?" Wanda asked.

Sharon nodded. "He hasn't spoken since it happened."

"How recent was this?" I asked.

"Two weeks ago."

"And Natasha?" I asked.

Tony shook his head. "Shes in the same depressive state that Pietro is in. Except she didn't lose a sister that day. She lost her husband, and her son."

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