Chapter Five

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THE GROUP STOOD PATIENTLY WAITING For Sam and Deena. It seemed like they were in there for hours. It shocked Elena to see both Sam and Deena come running out. She thought they'd get stuck in the nut house for sure.

"Is that a fucking gun?" Elena choked on her spit. "Is that the cops? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam whisper-yelled.  "Fuck yeah, she did" Kate stared at her friend in awe. "Are you out of your goddam mind?" Sam yelled.

"They didn't believe us. We're on our own" Deena hissed. "Where the hell is Simon" Deena cursed. "Aw shit" Elena sighed. The girl quickly jumped out of the back of the truck and began going to same way Simon went.

Elena sucked in a breath as she saw a woman On top of Simon with a razor blade. It was like she froze. She couldn't move. Then Deena fires three shots at the girl.  "Simon, come on!" Kate yelled.

The group started running back to the ambulance immediately seeing as the girl who was shot was suddenly up and about to walk around. Elena engulfed Simon in a hug. "God, don't do that again" She breathed out. "Yeah, I definitely won't be doing that again" He laughed. "This isn't funny, you could've died" Elena shoved the boy. "Fuck, Simon" She groaned rubbing her head.


"It doesn't make sense. It''s not possible" Sam rambled.  "Bullets didn't stop her" Sam plopped down on the couch. "Amazing observation" Kate rolled her eyes. "Who the hell was that?" Deena walked towards the group.

"How the hell should I know?! She- just— she was hot! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal" Simon yelled. Elena's jaw clenched as she stared at Simon. The only reason he went up to that psycho was because he thought she was hot and that infuriated Elena. "Yeah, well I had to break it to you but normal bitches don't bleed black ducking blood!" Deena yelled back.

"Well, she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!" Simon shouted. "I'm going to the bathroom" Elena clenched her fists and she walked away.

"What's wrong with her?" Simon turned to Kate. "Idiot" Kate sighed. "Wait. What... A razor?" Josh confirmed what Simon had just said.  "Yeah, for like old-timey shaving or in this case, I guess, slitting her—" Simon paused as Josh finished his sentence "Wrists. She slashed her wrists" The pudgy boy spoke quietly.

"Was she singing something? Was singing a song, like an oldie, like an oldie song?" Josh rushed out. "Jesus, Rain Man. How the fuck do you know that?" Simon whispered. "Because he's been obsessed with these killers in Shadyside forever" Elena sighed walking back into the room.

Simon tried to stand next to Elena but she quickly sat next to Kate. Josh grabbed a newspaper clipping and shoved it on the table in front of everyone. "This is Ruby Lane" Josh explained "The girl who attacked you." "Holy shit" Elena furrowed his eyebrows. "She sang as she murdered her boyfriend and her friends, then she killed herself. Slashed her wrists" Josh spoke with authority.

"Jesus. Yeah, why didn't I see this on the news" Kate looked towards Josh. "Because it happened 30 years ago" Josh scoffed. "1965" The boy slammed his hand on the table. Elena watched him carefully, was he just crazy, or did what he was talking about actually make sense?

Josh grabbed more newspaper clippings putting them on the table. "Ruby is one of Shadyside's killers, just like Skull Mask" Josh paused slightly. "I mean...Ryan Torres. Look, 1978, sixteen years ago. Mask psycho murders kid at—" Elena finished his sentence "Camp Nightwing, yeah my sister was there, she died" Elena frowned slightly. Simon grabbed Elena's hand but she didn't hold him back.

"In 1950, Harry Rooker, a local milkman slashes a bunch of housewives. 1935, Humpty Dumpty Killer. 1922, Billy Barker. 1904, Grifter guts girls, and on and on. It happens in Shadyside over and over. Normal people turn into psychos" Josh's words were frantic.

"Jesus" Simon sighed taking a picture into his hands.  "Look at this guy" Simons's voice was shaky.  "That's the pastor, Cyrus Miller. 1666. He was the first one recorded. He, um.. killed kids and cut out their eyes" Josh frowned.

Elena watched as Sam suddenly got up and walked into the kitchen with Deena following close behind her. "She is completely in love with her and Sam is so oblivious" Elena placed her head in her hands. "You know who else that reminds me of" Kate smirked. Elena rolled her eyes as Simon just looked like a deer in headlights.

"It's Sarah Fier" Josh changed the subject. "She's turning shadysiders into killers" Josh got quiet at the end. "Do you really believe that?" Kate asked. "No one actually thinks that this witch shit is real" Kate stuttered.  "Yeah, it's something babysitters make up to scare kids" Simons's voice was shaky. "No, no just listen to me. 1666, Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, a fact. But ever since she was executed, she's been possessing people turning them into killers, to take revenge on the town" Hosh slammed another paper on the table.

"It's like the nursery rhyme" Elena's voice was quiet. "Yeah, yeah" Josh licked his lips. "Before the witch's final breath, she found a way to cheat her death, by cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land....she reached from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slave" Elena recited. "Yes! Don't you see what's happening to us? This is all proof. Shadyside isn't just some hotbed psychos. All these massacres are connected to Sarah Fier" Josh's eyes were wide.

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