Chapter 32

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Nicki pov

Megan: Nicki you are looking pale

What you mean

Megan : you look pale how long had it been since you seen jasmine

A couple days

Megan : Nicki you know you can't do that that's dangerous

I know she's mad at me i been wrapped up here

Megan : you need to take today off and go be with jasmine

Nicki: but the

Megan : it's ok I'll be here all day today now go

Jasmine POV
Ugh I see keke car just pulled up

Kia : I'm telling you something is up with her

Why you say that

Lyric : I notice that Lauren goes on high alert when she sees her

Kia : yours is not a good reason Lauren almost jumped my ass for picking on you but think about it she was friends with your sister and if your sister was to tell anyone it would be her best friend

That's a good point Kia

Kia ; look at me using my brain and this situation about to get bad Nicki just pulled up

They rush outside and they hear Nicki and keke

Nicki : I told you to stay away do I have to bash your skull in  for you to get the point

Keke : you looking a little pale there I see you getting weak it's the perfect time to take you out

Keke tackles Nicki to the ground but jasmine comes and pulls her off of Nicki

Keke why did you tackle my girlfriend

Hearing jasmine say that made Nicki's heart skip a beat

Nicki : I'm fine babe

Keke : jasmine you just don't know what you are getting yourself into being with her

Keke I don't what I'm getting myself into being around you cause since you showed up things been happening so if you don't mind could you give me some space

Keke : jasmine you don't understand I'm trying 2

Kia : you heard her she said give her some space

Keke : like you could protect anyone

Lauren : I think it's about time for you to go or do I have to make you

Keke: fine I'll leave but you will see me again
Keke gets in her car and leaves

Lyric : what you doing here Lauren

Lauren: I been texting you and you haven't been answering so I figured you would be here

Nicki: hey babe


Nicki: I'm sorry if it's been feeling like I been avoiding you

It's ok I understand you are a busy person I'm just glad you are ok

All of a sudden Nicki phone rings

Nicki pov


Megan : you gotta get back here fast the vampire Queen came

I'm on my way

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