Chapter one

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As I glanced up and looked at my window , I followed a rain drop trickling down the windshield . I was in a trance I couldn't Believe what was happening to me . I stared out the window looking at the road while my hands gripped the steering wheel with excitement . I tried to concentrate on something else but I couldn't . I was so excited that I nearly ran a red light . I was moving out and getting my own apartment . I remember it like it was the date if my birthday , apartment B13 , second floor , William apartment complexes , willow street. As I continued down the road , I turned a sharp right and when I was driving straight again I glanced in my rear-view mirror to make sure all my boxes where still compiled together . As I pulled up to the apartment block , I drove I to the underground car lot . I found a nice space not to far from the entry because I needed to move boxes . As I turned off the ignition , I thought I seen something in my wing mirror . I opened the car door and my sunglasses fell out of the car door panel . I picked them up of the ground and put then on my dash board . I glanced around but nothing was there . I thought it was my imagination , you know , with all of the excitement . I closed the driver door and the sound echoed like I had set off a firework in a deep cave . I swung open the back door and grabbed two medium sized boxes . I turned around and closed the door with my foot and somehow managed to lock the car with the keys in my mouth. Just to make sure no one would try and rob my boxes . I walked out of the parking lot and the rain was easing off a bit so I decided to hurry up before it started to rain again. As I came in the main door to the building I noticed the elevator was working , it was out of order when I came to view the apartment . I sighed of relief that I didn't need to take the stairs . I pressed the button to the elevator and waited for it to open . when the doors opened , I hurried inside it remembering all the other boxes I had to bring in . I pressed the second floor button . I was only in there 2 -3 seconds when the light flickered and I became very anxious . I worried it might brake down again . I wondered if it did and what would happen . would I escape ? Would the wore snap ? My breathing started to get heavier . my pulse was pounding you could hear it from the North Pole . The elevator gave a little shake and moved on as normal . I nearly cried with relief . The door opened with a Ping sound and I stepped out . I paced myself down the hallway , glancing at every door number until I reached my apartment , I couldn't believe it ! It was all mine . No more sharing bathrooms with anyone else just me , myself and a lovely new apartment . I placed down the box on the table inside the door that my dad and my brother help lift in . I took a deep breath and looked around . It was a good sized apartment . When you walk in there was a small table with a coat rack and a key-holder rack . Beside that there was a little shelf just over it with a flower pot and a little picture frame with my diploma in it . To the right of that there was a small empty wall . I rummaged through the two boxes I had brought up and found my mirror and placed it on the hook and it matched te design of the flower pot . As I loomed around remembering I still need to bring the rest of the boxes . I walked out of the apartment , turned around , closed the door . I nearly leaped out of my skin . A little girl in a white lace top with her hair tied back in a ponytail . her dress was muddy , she looked confused . "Are you lost " I smiled at her . she looked up unsure of what to say . "did you just move in here ?" She said with dismay . "yeah , is there something wrong , are you lost ?" I questioned . she laughed and said to watch out and turned on her heels and ran down the hallway. I stood there. playing back the whole thing wondering what she meant . I shrugged it off , but was that the right thing ? Was I supposed to acknowledge what she said ? All I know is that I need to bring more boxes in from the car . I shuffled out of the elevator and walked towards the entrance . I looked up at the sky to see that those clouds had moved in quickly. It looked to be a really heavy night of rain fall . a night to think what happened over and try to come up with some explanation .

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