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The game had been nearly three hours, and the Lestrange children were on the edge of their seats and cheering for just as long. It was a pleasant surprise to see them just as excited minutes following their attempt to leaving the stadium.

It was rather nerve-wracking to make sure they were all accounted for, especially when Aurora herself had to hold onto Rabastan after being shoved twice before.

Thankfully he hadn't noticed. Otherwise there would've been a massive outbreak on their hands. As if Rabastan had ever outgrown his need for protecting her over a simple mistake.

Aurora hadn't even thought of the tournament if the twins hadn't asked for their OWLS gift, but now she was undeniable happy that they had gone. Even with the promise of a glass of wine back at the tent was just another addition to an already wonderful evening. While the children enjoy their time in front of the fireplace with a fresh cup of tea or butterbeer to start winding down.

"Get undressed love and relax, I'll be right back with the bottle and glasses." She hummed as her eyes fluttered, wondering how she would stay awake for more than a few sips.

But Rabastan had taken his time, and she was highly tempted to close her eyes as she lied down for the few minutes in waiting for her husband.

The rest of the Lestrange siblings had been relaying each and every play, or the fact that the Weasley twins had beaten the probabilities and won the bet.

"Don't think Bagman is all that loyal to a bet, even if they shook on it," Romulus mentioned, and Cara hummed as she knew it had been a bad idea from the very beginning while Imara had felt rather bad that Fred and George had been ripped off.

"Father! I think Mister Malfoy is waiting for you outside!" Ronan called out and Rabastan had hurried forward with a bit of wine on his lips. "Shite—I suppose he wanted a drink afterward...Are you all going to stay here?" Romulus hadn't decided whether or not he wanted to join the crowd in the pub, but the excitement throughout the grounds had yet to expire and thus the siblings had followed their father.

But not until Romulus had left a note to his sleeping mother, apparently a glass of wine had been all she could handle.

"Alright, I left something for her to read if she freaks out the tent's empty. Let's get some butterbeer!" He cheered and the rest of his siblings followed him in pursuit of an after-party. Granted the area was still jammed packed, the Irish were still roaring with excitement hours after the game had been called.

Lori, who was still gushing about the way Krum had caught the snitch, had changed her entire direction on being keeper the following year and would try out for seeker.

"Er, Malfoy is seeker." Ronan reminded and she just shrugged her shoulder. "And from last season he didn't give much to the team. Potter was flying circles around him even Cara who's played more Chaser managed better!" It was true, Cara had switched between either position for the rest of the season.

And she was still deciding which one she would stick to in the following years.

Songs had broken out, and those in the tent had drunkenly tried to follow the lyrics until a glass-shattering scream had caused the song to stumble. "Irish are a reckless bunch, what do you suppose happened?" Ronan nudged Romulus, but the eldest was already looking off at the commotion.

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