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On the other side of the spectrum, Ronan hadn't been alienated outright by Malfoy and the rest. He sort of did that on his own, it was quite easy to do actually. They were scared of him, which wasn't the best.

And he was thankful for Avery and Aaron Yaxel, who had been fairly distant considering everything that'd happen, course he arrived to Magical Creatures late and didn't see the point in standing at the front.

But all this was certainly better than hanging around the whining lad. Clearly it's the worst injury he's faced since Quidditch last year when their fathers had come to watch.

Him falling on his arse had been downright hilarious, and even if they did lose to Gryffindor—Ronan had a beautiful game. Better yet, mum sent spectacles off to Uncle Reg and he received a play-by-play of how good it had been.

Was Draco the most friendliest?

No, but he was an only child and Ronan had stride to be his friend. It was just he's battled the rude comments for two full school years now, they were getting rather old and pathetic.

But they wouldn't be Slytherin if it wasn't an easy fix, though not an entirely easy fix.

His mother was very big on second chances, as per their father's case. He had an inkling that it'd been something as serious as prison, though now it made sense—Being within the Slytherin house gave him a much better perspective than what his mum could ever explain.

Even if he wasn't the eldest, he was the male Slytherin heir to the Lestrange name. But thankful he can split it with Lori now, and the pressure on being his father's favorite was equally divided.

Course Lori was exceeding brilliant as well, but she was devious with it. She used it to her advantage. While their mother's prodigy was trying to get a shadowing position with Snape for next year.

"Father's said he's going to court with your mother." Ronan turned his gaze to his mate and hummed. "With and against are two separate things."
 "You saw what that bird did, no matter—"
"Draco, I've told you before that you've been warned all of four times and failed to listen. It's the mere nature of the beast, you even said 'you aren't dangerous at all,' and yet you were hurt. Get. Over. It." He finally deemed and Draco scoffed.

"Some mate you are."
"Would've listened to me in a warning, so right back at you, mate." Ronan left the air rather unnerved as he went to go and stand right beside Cara. "We're off in the other room, Professor said we can leave our books and such." Her brother remained silent and greeted either of her friends.

"Hey Roe, I saw you training the other day on the pitch. I think Gryffindors are in for some sure trouble this season." Vivian gushed, flashing a lovely smile to her friend's brother and Ronan thanked her before following off towards Cara to stand near the front of the room. Though Maya couldn't possibly hold back her laughter with that sort of arse kissing, and Vivian could only usher her to be quiet with a measly poke.

Yet he instantly pulled her back once the wardrobe moved and lifted up from the floor and slammed back down. "Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" Professor Lupin said with a light smile on his face. The curiosity wasn't just on the given Ravenclaws, however, he spotted an odd pair amongst the crowd.
A Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but upon further inspection he realized that it was indeed the Lestrange 'twins'.

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