Chapter 10

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"You don't smell like Heaven, angel boy." Jules greeted Amenadiel as she regarded him with a neutral expression. "Daddy kick you out?"

"What? I- No, I don't think so. I'm... Working on it."

The demon nodded, leaning back in the chair. "I can respect that. Shit like that takes time." She peered at him, her expression finally shifting to show slight interest. "You're Amenadiel, right? I'm Jules. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting."

"The pleasure's all mine." Amenadiel smiled as he strode forward to grab one of her hands and press a kiss to her knuckles. When he drew back, he blinked in confusion before his eyes settled on her amused smirk. "What-"

"She has that affect." Angeles grabbed the angel's arm, pulling him back a few steps. "Sort of like Lucifer and the whole desire thing except she makes you want to obey her."

The angel questioned, "How are you able to do this? No other demons have an ability like this."

Jules sighed, tapping her the arms of the  chair with her sharp, red-painted nails. "Hell existed before Lucifer was cast down. There were hoards of demons living there in chaos and bloodshed. Normally, God wouldn't bother with things like us. We're beneath Him. However, the demons were getting curious and they wanted to venture onto Earth. He gifted one of the demons with the ability to keep the others in line until an angel took the throne. I don't know why but he chose me."

"She was one of the first to appear in Hell when it was created." Thomas added when it looked like she wouldn't continue. "Back then, apparently it was completely flat, no cell doors or any system, really. It was just constant fighting over and over."

"If I wanted to survive," The woman spoke up once more, her aura suddenly dangerous. "I had to kill my own brothers and sisters. While you and your siblings helped your Father create, I bathed in the blood of my family."

Amenadiel held his breath as she spoke, listening to every word. "Why are you... Why are you telling me this?"

Jules stood up, walking towards the angel until they were nearly chest-to-chest. She stared up at him, her red-painted lips close to his own. "Lucifer may have left me behind but that does not mean he is not still my king. There is not much I would not do for him." She glanced at his mouth before quirking her lips up into a cruel smile. "Should you go against him again, I will ensure that you never see your father again."

The Angel nodded slowly, believing every word she said. "You will not believe me when I say this but I'm on Lucifer's side. I may have tried to get him to return to Hell earlier but now... I'm just trying to understand what he sees in humanity."

Angeles watched the interaction with a careful gaze before he turned to Thomas, tilting his head towards the door. The two made their way downstairs to check on CJ and leave the angel and demon to speak.

"That's going to take a while." Jules hummed, taking a step back from the other. "You'll need a job, assuming you don't already have one."

"No, I searched but none of them are to my interest."

"Which ones?"

"Food. Retail."

The woman nodded, moving to sit back in her chair. She gestured to the seat Thomas had vacated. "Yeah, those don't seem right for you." She tilted her head before she smiled once more, the action more sincere than the others. "Lately, a lot of my employee have begun to feel unsafe walking around at night. I've been looking for people to help keep them safe." She studied him for a moment. "Would you like to be my head of security? There's no better protection than one of God's angels, fallen or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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