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Hearing the alarm from his bedside table, Hongjoong rolled over to turn in off. Slowly sitting up in his bed, he rubs his eyes and releases a yawn while looking over to look at the time. 7:00 softly glowed white on the digital clock on the table, and from what the leader remembers they needed to get to the new school before eight. Dragging his sleepy self to the bathroom, Hongjoong starts getting ready for the day.

Now dressed up in a more nerd-like attire and his accessories, the leader grabbed his backpack and heads down to the kitchen for breakfast. Seeing his parents and members around the table eating, he fasten his pace to join them.

“Morning sweetheart, ready for today?” His mother asks him as she lift another piece of pancake into her mouth.

“As ready as I'll ever be” Sitting down next Yeosang like always at the table, Hongjoong began eating his stack of pancakes with a side of fruits.

“Before I forget, your guys's new identity” Hongjoong's father spoke. Having new identities is a must when your under the organization, especially when your going out for a mission. It'll keep enemies or somebody else from knowing your real identity, and keep yourself and other people around you safe.

“Yunho will be named Giho, Yeosang as Heisang, Wooyoung as Seoyoung, and Hongjoong as Daejoong”

“Who creates our identities again?” Wooyoung asks looking around the table, till he sees Hongjoong's mother raising an eyebrow at him. “Because they keep getting better everytime” He now just decide to close his mouth and finish his last pancake while the other agents snicker at him. Right then, a car honk sounded from outside gaining there attention.

“There's your ride, come on kids”

The four spies grabbed their own bag to quickly follow up with their parents. Outside was a very sleek black Tesla car that they would be riding. The four have ridden different kinds of vehicles, but they would still be surprised whenever they get to ride a different one.

“I call shotgun!” Before Wooyoung could go running off to the front passenger seat, their mother called him back.

“Hold on mister, come back here” Trudging back over the others, the male had a small pout on him. The woman kissed each of their cheeks. “Good luck on the mission and be safe” She fixed Wooyoung's hair bit before stepping back to her husband.

“We're not little kids anymore mom” The four start to get in the car with Yunho and Wooyoung at the front while Hongjoong and Yeosang behind them.

“Yet, you four act like them” She teased. The sound of the vehicle coming to life was heard, indicating their departure. The couple waved goodbye while getting a honk in return as the four left for a new mission and adventure.


The school was quite big. Having two floors to the building, multiple rooms, and it contained a lot of people. Looks like finding the leader's son is gonna take a while.

Parking underneath a tree that was also close to the entrance, the four stayed in the car for a moment.

“Alright remember the plan, keep our identities as a secret and if we find the leader's son quickly then we'll be able to finish the mission quickly as well” Hongjoong told the three.

“And after that we can still continue to go here or leave and move on with our lives, Got it. Come on guys let's go, I wanna explore a little” Loosing his patience, Wooyoung gets out of the car with his bag while the others follow after him.

Walking in the school, the four look around their new surroundings. It was just like a normal school; classrooms in every hall, lockers lined up in the corridors, and students flooding the whole place. As much as they would like to really explore the building, they needed to get to the principal's office to meet up with Eden and Eunhui.

“Follow me, Eunhui sent me the layout of the place last night” So the three followed the hacker. After dodging students and walking through several hallways, they ended up at the second floor that was somewhere more quiet and peaceful. At the end of the hallway had a door that had the gold letters of 'PRINCIPAL' on it. Knocking on door, they almost instantly heard the faint voice of someone telling them to come in the room.

Twisting the knob to open the door, Hongjoong and the others went in to see their uncle and cousin in the room. Eden sitting behind his desk facing his computer, and Eunhui leaning against the oak desk with an Ipad in her hands.

“Boys! Good to see you, please come and sit” The principal gestured his hand for the four chairs that were in the opposite side if his desk. Sitting down, the group felt a bit awkward. It has been a while since they saw the elder and his daughter, they just needed time to warm up to them.

“You four have grown well, still the best group in the organization?” He laughed, making them feel more welcome.

“We try” Answered Hongjoong with an shy snile.

“Oh I doubt anyone can beat you four... Anyways let's get into business shall we?” Eden nodded at his daughter for her to continue, who has been watching the whole conversation.

“Kim Eunhui at your service and from what dad told me, you guys are on the search for the HALA HALA leader's son” She then tapped a few things on her device before looking back to the four.

“I was tasked to look over the school records to find the guy that you guys are looking for... But there's only bad news” Flipping the tablet to make the screen face the assassins, she showed them an empty student profile.

“I scanned all of our records for the guy, but only found this. I have know idea how this got in the records, but my guess is that when the son got enrolled his dad must have ordered his hacker to get rid of the information on his son”

This was really not a good sign for the team, they were going to stay here for a while until they find the man. Hopefully the stress of being in school and being a secret agent won't strain them too much.

“Aside from that, I should show you guys to your lockers. Follow me” Bidding their goodbyes to the principal, the five of them went back to the first floor where there were less students as some were already heading to their classrooms. Eunhui had stopped in front one row with eight lockers on it.

“Here it is, these four are yours, and your schedules and books should be in there already” Opening the locker, the four saw their books neatly aligned and their schedule in front of it.

“I almost forgot, Hongjoong oppa will be separated from you three” The team looked at the girl with wide eyes. This made things a lot harder.

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