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“Everyone take cover!” Hongjoong yelled. Bullets started to fly, gun pops started echoing, and the eight males rushed to take cover.

Each spy grabbing the other males' arm and pulled them somewhere where they wouldn't get shot by the enemies. Hongjoong had pulled Seonghwa with him behind a large crate where they crouched down to not get hit. Seonghwa felt terrified at the moment, but he trusts that Hongjoong would protect the both of them.

“Aren't you gonna wear your mask?” He had to speak louder since the gunshots were too loud.

“It's too late for that, they already saw a part of our faces... Besides, they'll be dead anyways, plus the masks were a little stuffy to wear” Hongjoong went back and forth from ducking behind the crate to talk to Seonghwa, to popping back up to return his own fire to kill the enemy.

With every pull of the trigger the leader was killing men after men, his arms vibrating from the gun's recoil, and the smell of gunpowder hitting his nose. Ever since he and his brothers became spies it was the fights that he always look forward to. Even though he knew that this was dangerous and that he knew that he could get hit by a bullet himself, he didn't care at all at first.

But now, things really do change and that he doesn't want to worry Seonghwa because he got shot.

As Hongjoong and the spies were busy with the guys in the middle, a man sneaks to side to get a better shot at one of the agents. Seonghwa becomes brave for a second to take a peek at what was happening behind the crate. He turns to look from the right side of the crate and sees a man getting ready to fire and shoot at Hongjoong.

Suddenly, his body just went on autopilot and grabbed the gun that was on Hongjoong's left thigh, took off the safety —which he has never done in his entire life— And just fired. Surprisingly, he actually shot the man in the chest and watched as the same man fall to the floor.

The older couldn't believe what just happened, he was still processing what he had just done. He looks back to where Hongjoong was and he saw the spy staring back at him.


Before Seonghwa could get a word out from his mouth, something plush and soft were suddenly on his lips. He looks down to see Hongjoong's lips on his and felt the younger kiss him, and the older just kissed him back.

A second felt like forever when their lips were connected, everything was like a blur to them. Hongjoong was the first to pull back from the kiss and he has never been more out of breath in his entire life.

“You looked hot with the gun, and you did good” He complimented. “Uh, thanks?” Seonghwa couldn't quite say much at the moment since he was still in another state of shock. Hongjoong shot a few more men down before talking to the older again.

“I'll let you borrow the gun for now but answer me this first” The spy crouches back down to the crate and looks Seonghwa in the eyes.

“Be my boyfriend?”

Hongjoong knows that this wasn't really the most appropriate nor romantic type of situation to be confessing right now, and him being this bold wasn't quite new to him, but he doesn't want to wait any longer. He doesn't want to be separated from Seonghwa any longer, and during the time that they were separated he has realised that he has feelings for the older.

He loves him.

“What do you say?” The agent fires again and reloads his gun. He looks at the older expectantly, waiting for his answer.

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack from shock?” Seonghwa smirks and pops up from the crate to return his own rain of bullets. He kills three enemies which was quite impressive considering he has never shot a gun before, and Hongjoong watched in awe.

“And to answer your question. Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend, if you get to be mine” The male crouches back down behind the crate and immediately gets pulled by his collar by Hongjoong.

Getting the feeling that they have done it a million times, the two kissed passionately. Making sure to pour every single buried emotion that they kept hidden. Regret, guilt, longing, those painful emotions just suddenly vanished from thin air because of the kiss.

The two pulled back to look at the other's face and with their chests rapidly rising and falling. Every moment that led them to now felt so satisfying now that they over came those challenges.

It was truly worth the wait.

The now new couple both got up from the crate and shot the last remaining men down. The younger males saw this, and it looked like something from a movie. Two people in love taking down the bad guys one by one. It was both cool and romantic at the same time.

As the couple fired their last shots the enemy group was dead, and the two smiled at each other. Seonghwa stared at the younger's doe, brown eyes and naturally leans in. But that gets stopped by someone coughing to get their attention.

Yeosang and the rest got up from their hiding spots and met up with the older two.

“I can't believe you guys actually confessed and made out during a shoot-out” Yeosang said as he holstered back his gun and crossed his arms.

“How did you know?” Hongjoong could barely hear Seonghwa over the gunshots when they were talking, how come the hacker knew.

“I was gonna ask if you had a plan in mind through the comms, but then I heard your conversation” That made the two realize something.

“So did you... Also hear...”

“Yes, yes I did” Yeosang shivers at the memory. It was one smack but he luckily turned his earpiece off in time. Hongjoong feels his cheeks burn up and opens his mouth to fight back, but Seonghwa beats him to it.

“Well, you guys better get used to it then” The older wraps his arm around the younger and smiles proudly. Hongjoong grew more embarrassed and the others were either disgusted or cringed.

The eight were busy talking that they didn't notice one of the men behind them move. The man, with every strength he had left, picked up a gun next to him. He aimed the gun the best he could, and then.

A trigger was pulled.

The eight males jumped at the sound, they looked at the entrance to see a man drop the gun he held.

“Isn't their a rule in training to check if one's enemy is really dead?” The males look at the second floor of the warehouse to see Eunhui with her gun out.

“Princess? What are you doing here?” Wooyoung asked, not knowing that the friends already know her real name.

“Your boyfriends know my identity, and I helped them staged this. Well except for those guys, I didn't know this was an actual hideout” The four friends felt a bit betrayed by the girl because something bad did happen, but they'll forgive her since she helped them.

“On the bright side, congratulations guys. You got your happy ending”

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