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Saturday, everyone's favorite day. The day where one can relax, unwind, de-stress. But, instead of doing those, Seonghwa and the other three are stuck in an abandoned warehouse about to be tied up to a chair.

It was Eunhui's grand plan of her's. She would trick all four of her cousins into coming to this warehouse saying that it was a gang's hideout and that they had captured some hostages, and those 'hostages' would be none other than the other four.

The friends were a little iffy about the plan and were contemplating whether or not they should do it, but the girl had convince them... For the most part.

“Now before you guys get tied, do any of you need to do anything else?” Eunhui asks, holding the ropes that she will use to tie the four.

“Can we still back out and think of a different plan?” Mingi rubs his arm. He really thinks that this was a bad idea.

“Nope, I already told them about this. They should be here soon”

Eunhui sees them feel anxious about their plan and starts to feel sorry for pressuring them into doing this. She looks at the rope in her hands and sighs.

“You know what, fine, we won't continue with the plan. I'll tell the spies that the information I received was a fake” The hacker places the rope on the chair and pulls out her phone to text her cousins. The four looked at each other and the girl in front them until they nodded at each other.

“Wait” The girl looks up from her phone to face the four.

“How long will the agents get here?” Seonghwa said. Eunhui checks the time on her phone and shruggs. “Around 30 minutes from now, why?” The raven-head then walks to the chair and picks up the rope.

“Then you better start tying” He urges the rope back to the girl's hold. She stares at him with pure confusion on her face, she pockets her phone and takes the rope and asks.

“But why? I thought you guys didn't like the plan?”

“It's not like we didn't like it, it's more like we were scared and that we were a bit anxious about it. But Eunhui, you're sacrificing a few days even weeks worth of hacking for us, which we know you love hacking. So we at least gotta give it a try” The older smiles at the hacker like a big brother would, and that made Eunhui realize that this plan of theirs better work.

“Okay, let's do it”

And then the four sat on each chair and put their hands behind the chair as the hacker tied them up. The girl made the four of them wear earpiece so that she could talk to them, and made sure that the rope was tied almost loosely and taught them how to untangle them so that the friends could escape if anything bad were to happen, which wasn't likely since the girl checked that their was no threats around the place, but as the saying goes.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

“Wait, I had a thought. Won't the spies be wearing their outfits? You know; the fedora, mask, even the contact lenses?” Jongho said while the girl went closer to tie him next.

“Another tip, spies need to plan everything thoroughly until the tiniest details. So that's already taken care of” Eunhui starts tying the male as she remembers    what happened at her cousins home a few days prior.

She had asked the four of them to meet her at their home headquarters, and that they needed to bring their special contact lenses saying that she wanted to 'fix' them since she knows that there was a small malfunction with the last update of their lenses. As she was prentending to add a new code to fix the lenses, she strategically placed her water bottle that wasn't capped right. And then, pretending to stretch her arms the bottle falls open, spilling a bit on her laptop and mostly on her cousins' (not water proofed) contact lenses.

She then proceeded to act that it was an accident, and that she didn't notice that she would hit the bottle nor close the cap right. Fortunately, the four believed her and only scolded her a bit, saying to be more careful next time. Eunhui couldn't believe it, but she has never been more relieved after getting a scolding.

“Okay, everything's set. You guys are loosely tied and even know how to undo them, the agents should be here any minute now, and I will be watching everything closely with the cameras that I placed around” She grabs her laptop that was on a crate near by and showed the four the live camera footage.

“By the way, how come there's crates around here?” San looks around and sees a couple of crates here and there.

“Probably left over crates that some people just dumped in here. Oh! And one more thing, do you guys want to get blindfolded or have a sack around your heads?” Eunhui then pointed to the crate where her laptop was earlier to see lace ribbon blindfolds and string bags.

“And why do you have those prepared?”

“And more importantly why lace?”

Seonghwa and Mingi raised their eyebrow in question, examining the blindfolds.

“Well, I thought that it could help to hide your identities so that the spies wouldn't recognize you guys the second they walk in” She shruggs her shoulder.“Plus, the lace was from another spy friend of mine who does costume making if ever the missions calls for a costume change” Eunhui rubs her right foot behind her left one. The four were still questioning some things but nodded instead.

“Then we'll go with the lace, at least we'll be able to breath normally” The hacker then tied the lace around the four friends' head, making their vision get obsctructed by the detailed patterns on the lace.

“Okay, now everything is set. Just keep your heads down until they come in, now, I gotta hide”

Eunhui grabs her stuff, making sure that she doesn't leave anything behind that could give away that this was all staged and leaves the four to head to the upstairs of the warehouse. Hearing the distant sound of her steps leaving, Seonghwa sighs and gets ready to lower his head.

“Hyung, what if this plan doesn't go well?” Jongho asked hesitantly. The older turns his head to the right to see a bit of the younger's form through the blindfold.

“Then at least we could say we tried, and that we would probably think of another plan. But, if anything does happens, then I'll protect you three. No matter what it is”

The three always liked their Seonghwa hyung for this. Being able to put himself in front of others was really admirable of the older and that the three was really grateful for that. Hopefully now, someone could make him feel happy and loved while they too could also have that special someone.

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