chapter 1

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You were watching the pure vessel training with the Five great knights, Ogrim was something he use the dung he collected to fight making your brother to be weary of his location is once Ogrim jump out with balls of dung he sometimes strikes the ground making pillars to create distance from him and his enemy, next was Isma she may not look like it but she is very strong her immunity to acid is her strongest ally in the battle but something tells you she's holding back, after that was Hegemol his armour was one thing but his strength was another he never used a weapon and his movements are questionable for his size but he has a voice that will shock anyone for the first time they heard it, after that was dryya She was your mother's personal gaurd and her strength makes you wonder what youth she had before becoming a gaurd for your mother, you saw ze'mer but she's more of a reader than a fighter but maybe her skills is what made her a great knight.

Ogrim: Hey there little one how about you join?

Ze'mer: Ogrim please, the child may not want to fight.

Dryya: And besides, we were given the task on training the pure vessel.

Ogrim: As always your wisdom is always helpful dryya.

Hegemol: Come on you guys at least let see how he stands against enemies.

Ze'mer: As much as I protest he does have point we might as well, so which one of us will test him?

Ogrim: I'll do it since everyone is still winded from training with the pure vessel.

Isma: Well ok but don't go overboard.

Ogrim: I will be as gentle as I can. Hello there would you like to spar with me?

Y/n: What should I do?

Radiance: Accept it, you need the experience if you are given the chance to gaurd your siblings.

Y/n: ...Fine, I'll do it.

You stand up and pick up a nail that was on the ground and began to point at Ogrim. The others began to move outside the arena and the pure vessel began to walk back to the stairs so he may watch, hornet was there as well as your other siblings watch you battle.

Ogrim: I am honored that you accepted my challenge, let us duel!

And so it began, Ogrim began to dig and you quickly rushed to the other side as Ogrim popped out and sent dung balls in the air you dodge them and hit Ogrim when he was making more dung balls to bounce around in the arena and once he threw the last one he rolled himself up and bounce with the dung balls you avoided the dung balls while also hitting Ogrim when he bounce he then dig after he bounce and you moved away as he reapers with dung balls and he slammed the ground making pillars so he can gained some distance but once the dung pillars fall you ran towards him and strike him.

Ogrim: Impressive but sadly this has to end.

You stopped and place the nail on your back then you bowed at Ogrim to tell him thank you.

Ogrim: I was my pleasure little one.

Isma: My how polite.

Ze'mer: Even if he's silent like the pure vessel he has a true warriors spirit.

Hegemol: The little one was good at dodging the attack Ogrim threw.

Dryya: Even so we must focus on training the pure vessel.

Ogrim: Until we meet again little one.

You left the nail on the ground and began to walk towards the corridor until hornet and the other vessels began to swarm you.

Hornet: Good job your able to keep up with Ogrim.

And the other vessels began to climb on you. You grabbed the ones that climbed on you head and place them on the floor. You then move on in the corridor to your room were no one will disturb you.

Hornet: Rude, come on siblings let's watch our other brother train.

Once there you open the door and began to lay on your bed.

Radiance: See I told you, wasn't that fun?

Y/n: I guess but alas *yawn* I wasted they're time when fighting with me.

Radiance: Oh don't look so grin...oh how about we go somewhere outside the white palace.

Y/n: To where?

Radiance: Anywhere, you choose where you want to go.

Y/n: Okay, I'll think about it.

Radiance: Whatever makes you happy.

Meanwhile with the white lady.

Dryya: yes my lady.

White lady: Tell me how is my child doing.

Dryya: The pure vessel is learning very well and Ogrim tested the other vessel that was watching our training with the pure vessel.

White lady: Which one?

Dryya: I Think it was the first vessel to be hatched here

White lady: Really, how do it go?

Dryya: the childs movements were perfectly time to avoid Ogrim and his attacks and he successfully hit him while dodging his attacks.

White lady: Oh My, tell me more if he decides to train with you again.

Dryya: I I have one question my lady.

White lady: Yes?

Dryya: What should we call that vessel, the one Ogrim fought after the pure vessel?

White lady: I think y/n should Suit him.

Dryya: As you wish my lady.

Tomorrow morning.

You woke up earlier than everyone and goes down to the dining room and you saw the pure vessel woke up as well you both walked to the room and took seat at far end of the table as you both saw the food being prepared. After awhile the king came in and he was given a cup of coffee that was darker than usual, after that it was the white lady then the great knights with one of them missing and after that your siblings but hornet wasn't here today. But you stayed quiet and began to eat your food you can here the conversation of your father with the other great knights while your siblings were eating while the others were still sleepy. You finished and got out of the room before anyone else could finished. You then saw ze'mer outside looking worried.

Ze'mer: What should i do i can't leave yet but I need to deliver this to my beloved.

Curious you pulled the robe of ze'mer.

Ze'mer: Yes young one?

You did sign language to tell her what is she worried about.

Ze'mer: You should not worry little one.

But you told her in sign it's okay to tell her what is wrong.

Ze'mer: ...Fine but you must keep it a secret.

You nodded.

Ze'mer: I have a gift for my lover but she is in the queen's garden hiding from her people, and I am unable to give her this.

She showed you a flower you never saw before.

Ze'mer: If wish to help me then take this to her and pick up the nail you used yesterday.

You nodded and grabbed the flower then suddenly you heard the cries of many tortured souls after receiving this flower ( I hate this god damn side quest) but you bowed to her and begin to make haste to the training grounds to get the nail you used. Once there you picked up the nail you used and headed straight to the gate where the gaurds were curious on your sudden visit you did sign language where the queen's garden is. And they gave you a map to it and so you began to the lover of ze'mer.

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