chapter 15

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You were heading back to the tent as the Grimmchilds seemed eager and tense.

Y/n: What is wrong you two having a tummy ache?

They hissed at you indicating it was a no.

Y/n: Then what is it?

Radiance: I think they're anxious.

Y/n: I know but if I want everyone back I must do it.

Radiance: I hope your right.

you walked to the tent and notice that no one was in there even your family.

Y/n: Ella?! Grimm?! Hornet?! Ghost?! Where is everybody?!

Radiance: I feel his presence...the Nightmare king is waiting.

Shade lord: Child follow my instructions and you'll find them.

Y/n: Um if you say so?

Shade lord: Now then go through the other side and you'll find grimm asleep.

You followed shade's instructions and found grimm hanging upside down and he was sleeping.

Y/n: Like father Like child.

You say but it was a bitter taste in your mouth as you wanted to hurl.

Y/n: Man i think my stored up emotion against my father is making me see all fathers disgusting even myself.

Radiance: Your not a father.

Y/n: I'm basically raising his kids so i'm technically a father figure to them.

The radiance tried to make a come back but failed then you saw a little pattern again.

Y/n: Just like in howling cliffs.

You touched it and soon you blacked out. when you open your eyes you saw the ground was like roots but it was soft and rough.

Y/n: Where am i?

???: Come to the stage...the show will begin.

You turned to the source of the voice and saw a bright light there.

Y/n: My gut is telling me either yes or no but i need to save everyone, damn me and my selflessness.

You walked towards the light and you saw a crowd there aswell as your family and unexpectedly the radiance and Shade lord.

Y/n: Whaaaa...?!

Radiance: See your well pale bitch.

Pale king: Absolute Dick.

Shade Lord: Silence, seize your childish bickering and watch, the battle will commence.

You were wondering what was going on until you shrug it off as you thought Shade and the radiance were not good at making new friends.

Hornet: Dryya I'm scared.

Dryya: I know hornet, were in the presence of gods far older than all of us.

Isma: My word i would never thought we would be seeing both the Radiance and ancient god.

Ogrim:* whisper* The cause of the infection and the reason that the Pure vessel was sought out.

you wonder what did ogrim was saying until you heard a voice.

Familiar voice: Finally here.

Y/n: Grimm is that you?!

You turn to the source of the voice until you saw a giant...heart thing?

Y/n: * Meme voice* Holy jesus, what is that, What The Fuck Is That?!

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