chapter 13

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You were making your way to kings pass when you try to talk to ray and shade.

Y/n: Ray, shade?

Silence filled your mind and you sighed.

Y/n: I wish I can talk to you guys.

Radiance: Mother of the gods I hate this so much!

Shade lord: I do to but we can't despell his magic.

Radiance: fuck me and my immortal life.

You rode the stag and arrived at dirt mound, you got out and made your way towards king pass...untill you saw the the giant wall.

Y/n: By the gods, why is it so tall?

You look around to see if there is any other way up there but no luck.

Y/n:*sigh* It's a good thing I have the mantis claw.

(One trip to the top later.)

Y/n: I Am So Tiered!

You reached the top as you were in the kings pass.

Y/n: Who's bright Idea was it to not have a stairway or elevator up here?!

As you were trying to rest a fireball was thrown at you but you dodge.

Y/n: That was close, Engarde!

You shout as the Grimmchilds flew out of your cloak and soon it began you hit it but it tried to hit you but the Grimmchilds made it stumbled and you pierce it but it was still alive.

Y/n: Like the last time, here goes!

You dodge it's fireballs and you hit it again with the help of the Grimmchilds and soon I let out a painful yet psychotic scream and soon it explode and the Grimmchilds absorbed the flames and we're flying around like last time.

Y/n: looks like we have to visit your father again, let's go.

You put your nail back on your back and began to climb down the pass and back to dirt mound.

Y/n: The gates have been lifted, now to your father.

You walk in and saw brumm.

Brumm: The flame burns within the young ones, go my master Is waiting.

Y/n: I thank you brumm.

You walked in and saw the crowd and your family.

Y/n: Glad they're still here.

???: Ah your Here.

You turned to the source and saw Grimm appeared from the scarlet flame.

Y/n: I have done what you need now release them!

Grimm: Not so fast my friend, my kin has arrived and the time has come.

Grimm open his cloak and soon the Grimmchilds flew towards him and soon a bright light enveloped your vision when you open your eyes you saw grim and his cloak was getting out of control.

Grimm: this scaring fire... It carries well the ritual's promise.

Then Grimm regain his composure and snapped his fingers letting the room be illuminated and the gates blocked the exit.

Y/n: So it all comes down to this?

Grimm: Yes, dance with me, my friend. the crowd awaits. show them you are worth of a starring role!

Grimm bowed down then let out a frightening screech and so it begins.

Y/n: I feel good again?

Grimm: Yes cause the charms are not on you anymore child, now let us dance.

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