Chapter 16

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You we're in an unusual place, there was no one but a single bug at the distant you looked around but saw it nothing but a white void, finally you went towards the bug and they were holding a unusual staff.

You we're in an unusual place, there was no one but a single bug at the distant you looked around but saw it nothing but a white void, finally you went towards the bug and they were holding a unusual staff

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: Greetings young knight.

Y/n: Who-who are you?

: I am the guardian of this sacred realm, only those that have proven they are worthy will spend their lives in the void of dreams.

Y/n: Void of dreams?

: Yes but that is not why you are here for, the reason your here is to end you.

Y/n: Ok-WAIT, WHAT?!

: The natural order of the Multiverse has been altered and it seems your the main reason.

Y/n: Why, How come?!

: Tell me why did you suddenly have hornet even though she's not supposed to be born until the Hollow Knight Reached the age when he's ready to seal the radiance?

Y/n: I-What?

: Or why elder bug is an old bug instead of a young bug?

Y/n: Wait-

: Or Why haven't you met the mantis lord's brother?

Y/n: They have a brother?

: Yes and It's because your causing a rift between what's supposed to happen and what's supposed to not happen, You we're meant for death like your other siblings but something changed and it was all sourced to you. a Vessel that was supposed to die like all your other siblings, yet here you are alive and making the worlds story completely different.

Y/n: Wait, wait, wait. Why am i to blame? blame my father not me! and what do you mean i'm supposed to die?

: He is also guilty yes but it was not his will that sparred you, it was someone else someone who played a bigger role and it involves you. a Vessel perfect for a different purpose. 

Y/n: What do you mean a different purposed?

: A different topic for another time, Prove to me that you deserve to live and i shall leave you alone if not than you and your world shall be eradicated!

Y/n: Leave them out of this they did nothing wrong!!

: I Know but in order for the Multiverse to be fix i need to eradicate it from existence so you either prove your worth by fighting me or say farewell to the world you grew to love.

Y/n: But why do i have to fight you to decide my worlds fate?!

: I can't, i tried but i can't someone is preventing me from erasing your universe and i got some intel that i need to beat you in order to destroy it. so what shall it be Fight or Surrender?

There was a moment of silence you were processing all this. Not supposed to be alive, Causing a rift in events and many others. your trying to make sense of the matter as well as you were weighing your options either surrender and let her destroy everything or fight will all your might and protect the ones you grew to loved and care. it was tough but you finally decided.

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