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People are creatures with a very complex mental structure, yet we are able to improve someone's mood by just lifting the corners of our mouths up.
Sometimes we do not realize how much a simple smile could mean to the other person. A small gesture or a kind word is enough to light my face for a while.
Respect for others does not require much exertion, howbeit many human beings still give it up, explaining their attitude with different point of view. Unfortunately, these views are often shaped by stereotypes.
They give an artificial permission to judge people on the basis of only a detail such as, for e.g. origin, religion, or even hair color. The intolerance has always been a fundamental problem. People considered everything that differed from the established norms to be bad. Perhaps they were afraid that they would not be accepted due to their dissidence.
I believe we are a much more tolerant generation than our parents, or even more so, grandparents. We have the courage to show the world that distinctions do not have to divide us, but make us extraordinary. If only people showed mutual respect instead of hate each other, the world would be completely different.

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