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Namjoon instantly called his wife to let her know that she needed Hoseok's kids to get ready to leave with Carla. Then, he called the latter to tell her what Hoseok had instructed him to do.
"Carla! I just saw him."
"You did, " Carla said after she picked up, "how is he?"
"He is fine, don't worry. He is only thinking about you and Suni and Jaehyung. And that is exactly why I called you."
"What is it?" She inquired impatiently.
"You have your things ready, as he told you?"
"Yes, they are all set next to the door, but I did not get any message from him yet?"
"Yes, I know! Joo-min found his phone."
Carla let out a shriek as a shudder ran down her back.
"Is he okay?"
"Yes, she just destroyed the phone so, he has no way to contact you. But before she got a hold on the device, he arranged everything for you to bring his kids into safety."
"He did!" Carla was surprised yet also proud of the man that held her heart.

"Yes. Now listen very carefully. Rachel will bring Suni and Jaehyung to your house. As soon as they arrive, you get them in your car and drive to the airport, gate 5. It is a special hangar with private jets. They know you will come. The crew has all the information on where to take you and will tell you once you are up in the air."
Carla could not believe that Hoseok had planned her escape with the kids.
"What about Hoseok?"
"I will have a meeting with the managers and the other band members soon. There is a clause that allows BigHit to bring him abroad for medical treatment without the consent of his wife."
"Namjoon, don't play with my heart? Can he really get away from her?"
Carla gulped as she waited for the promising words that she wanted to hear.
"Yes, the others and I will do anything to get him away from her."
"Thank you." Carla simply replied as tears ran down her cheeks.
"Now, get yourself ready. The plane leaves at 3 pm. Gate 5! Don't forget."
"Yeah. I've got this. Thank you again for all your help."
"You are part of the BTS family, and we will help you no matter what. Now I need to go to ask everyone for a meeting. I hope to see you soon. Take care, Carla."
"You too, Namjoon. And please bring Hoseok back to me." Carla lightly sobbed as she hung up.
Hopefully, it will be over soon. But for now, her priority was the kids and to bring them to safety.

At BigHit headquarters, Namjoon met up with the other five members and two of their managers.
"The CEO already informed us to get everything ready for Hoseok to get treatment abroad." One of the managers notified the group.
"Great, but there is one condition to add." The leader insisted as he looked at the others.
"Hoseok will be the one to determine where he wants to get his treatment, and he needs to leave today."
"Okay, and where will that be?" The other manager asked as he was starting to take notes.
"That is the problem. For now, we have no way to get that information."
"But we need to know so we can book the flight?" The first manager intervened.
"I know yet right now we have no way to ask him?" Namjoon let out in frustration as he put his head on the table.
"Did you not tell us that he had planned for Carla and the kids to leave first?" Jungkook asked the rapper.

"Did you not tell us that he had planned for Carla and the kids to leave first?" Jungkook asked the rapper

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