chpt. 1

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first day

"delilah hurry up before we're late!!"

i quickly grabbed my last bag and ran down stairs as fast as i could. my moms standing there with her arms folded giving me that look. you know that look. 

"sorry ma, i was just packing my last bag and fixing my outfit. how does it look? do i look cute?" i said posing ridiculously, making her face light up.

"yes now hurry up and get in the car, we have 15 minutes to get there and it's a 20-minute drive " she said opening the door for me and then going around to her side"

"ma calm down we'll be fine and if we're late at least we'll be fashionably late" I replied as i buckled my seat belt. "lets get this show on the road, summer here i come!"

i was born in new york city and raised between there and LA. my dad grew up in shadyside but he left as a teenager, said bad things happen in this town, and started a business that boomed, there he met my latina mom. we lived a good life, we were wealthy and happy as a family i got everything i wanted. then we moved here when i was 14 cause my grandmother was sick so we could look after her since she refused to leave shadyside but after she died a week later as my dad was tying up some loose ends he died in a car accident like he said "bad things happen in shadyside". we sold the company which left us with enough money to care for 3 generations comfortably i never knew it but we were rich, rich. i don't know why we didn't leave shadyside then i guess mum just wanted to feel closer to dad, it has been 2 years. i know what the people at school call me. i'm shadysides "it" girl, i'm the head cheerleader, i have the best chance at getting out of here, i like the power i have. i just want this summer to go smoothly, it's my first time at camp knightwing this is my first year as a camper and my last since i'm 16.

"andddd we are here" my mom said as i was snapped out of my trance-like stare into the woods, i thought i saw something. we pulled up in front of the sign that read camp nightwing. there were a bunch of people standing there waiting. must be councilors. wait there's my friend joan.

i hop out of the car, run up, and hug her, i haven't seen her since last week

"hiiiii, how are you? omg, you look shagtastic" she said as she helped me pull the 3 nike duffel bags.

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞, nick goodeWhere stories live. Discover now