chpt 2.

934 37 17

first day

i never really liked ziggy berman, i don't know why i just never did. i think it's the way she acts like she's better than me. she calls me a fake shadysider, says i'm too shiny for shadyside. she's absolutely right but that's beside the point. somehow she's already made a mess and it's the first day. kurt and nick came over to me and kurt started venting to me while nick stood there with his arms crossed. i didn't like the way he was staring out into the woods in the direction they came like he was waiting for her to walk back through. 

my head feels like it's going to explode, there's so much noise. i look over and see joan flirting with kurt while the rest of the campers who arrived hours ago ate. feeling a piercing stare in the back of my head i turn around to see nick looking at me, smiling. he raises his eyebrows at me and nods towards the door. i nod getting the hint and grab my tote bag. walking out i turn to see him following me.

"what do you think of ziggy berman?" i asked him turning around, he walked up to the tree i was sitting next to and slid down next to me.

"i think she's troubled and i think she isn't as bad as everyone makes her seem" he replied as i leant on him and rested my head on his shoulder. suspicous i don't like it.

"mmm ok. what time do we leave?" i whispered into his ear as i see more people leaving the hall.

"we'll head there in an hour i gotta go help kurt set some shit up" he said leaning in and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" bye sherrif" i waved him off smiling. as soon as he turned the smile was wiped off my face and i started heading towards my cabin. i spot sheila and and one of her goons bitching about ziggy berman. 

"omg she's such a fucking freak" her blonde friend replied, i watched them as i sat down on my bed. 

"man shadysiders suck" sheila replied but stopped as soon as her friend nodded towards me. 

"yes i'm shadysider get over it" i said crossing my legs and leaning against the wall. " trust me i hate it just as much as you do and i hate ziggy berman too"

"interesting and what's your name ?" she said a little defensive but slightly less tense as she took in what i said.

" delilah smith, shadysides local 'it' girl" i replied looking at my clean nails.

"your nick's girlfriend, that's right i heard she would be here" she came closer and sat down on the bed next to me. "will was right, your different. i like it "

"lil willy boy, mini mayor" i looked at her and smiled, that boy was close to my heart. kinda reminded me of my dad. " you know, i know for a fact that ziggy berman hates snakes, a little birdie mentioned that there is an emerald tree boa inside the science and nature room a non-poisinous but very scary one, why don't you give her a lil surprise"

" why thank you for that useful information" she smirked standing up. " to the science and nature cabin we go girls"

as they head out i stand off the bed and go to where my bags are on the shelf and pulled out my black sweat pants and a black hoodie. i quickly put them on and checked my watch and realized i only had half an hour left. i quickly made my bed for the night and went to find nick.

i found him sitting by the nurse's cabin in deep thought with his back turned to me. i slowly crept up behind him and kissed the back of his neck under his ear. "hello sherrif" i whispered, he turned to me and smiled.

"hello darling," he said "come the cabins this way we have to be careful though" he hurriedly said grabbing my hand and dragging me in the direction of the woods.

we walked for a long way before we came upon an old decayed shack. 

"this is it. this is where it all started" he said helping into the little hole that led into the old shack.

he kissed my hand as he led over to where an old drawer was and together we moved it so it was out the way to reveal a secret passage leading into a cave. i looked around and saw the wall with names of all past shadyside killers. 

"it's kind of beautiful," i said letting go of his hand and walking into the circle in the middle of the room. turning behind me i see him pull out two cloaks from his bag.

"after we're done we burn these," he said "we don't want anyone to find them"

"so who's the lucky murderer?" i said taking one out of his hand and pulling it on.

"thomas slater"


don't kill me i know i haven't updated in a bit but things have been hectic at home. i had my ball last week so that was fun and i have mock exams coming up this week, so the next update might not be for a while

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞, nick goodeWhere stories live. Discover now