chpt. 3

970 40 14

second day

i have always believed that if you want something you have to take it, sometimes that means hurting people on the way to success but tough shit. i don't care how many people i have to hurt as long as me and my family come out unscathed. my mama, nick, and his family are the only people i truly care about. so if a few shadysiders have to die for me and my family to come on top, so be it. it's a cynical way to think but it's realistic, i refuse to lose. 

"deliah, delilah! hello?" waving his hands in my face i snapped out of my daze to see kurt standing there looking annoyed.

"to what do i owe the pleasure of your fabulous company, goldy locks," i said smirking up at him. kurt is one of the few people i can stand, he reminds me of my old best friend chase, the hair, the attitude, and the superior mindset.

"i need your help with something," he said, rushing his words slightly. this quipped my interest.

 "whatever could you need my help for?" i asked teasing. raining my brow and crossing my arms i waited for him to speak.

"don't tell anyone i told you but last night sheila and her goons set a snake-free in cabin 5 to scare ziggy berman, i need you to make sure she stays quiet," he said "i don't want this to get out"

"aye aye captain. good cop or bad cop?" i replied dusting off my spotless denim dress out of habbit. anything to piss off ziggy berman.

"fuck that bitch. bad cop" he said smirking at me.

"you got it" walking away i fist pumped him. 

"hey kurt!" he quickly swung around in my direction. "i forgot but can you tell nick to come find me in half an hour?"

"i was hoping he could help me with the campers but sure. favor for a favor" he yelled across the campsite as he started walking towards one of the leaders cabins.

"see you soon goldy"

"yeah whatever shady"


"hey, you! berman!" i yelled seeing her walk out of her cabin. "come this way" 

"and why would i follow you?" she sneered at me as i walked behind her cabin.

"because i said so now hurry the fuck up, gingy" she huffed but listened anyway, stomping out of annoyance. 

turning around i grab her by the collar and push her up against the wall. she tried kicking but for a girl who fights a lot she's pretty weak. 

"now listen here berman, this is how it's going to go. you are to never speak about what happened with the snake last night got it?" i threatened, pinning her left leg to the wall with my knee, still managing to hold myself up. 

"and why would i do that, smith" she struggled to reply out of breath. i smiled evilly and chuckled.

"because if you don't next time it won't be an emerald tree boa" i could see the gears in her head turning as she realized that i had something to do with the incident last night. "fun fact, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are highly venomous. the toxin in their venom kills red blood cells and causes tissue damage, most deaths of these bites occur after about 6 to 48 hours so it's likely that you'll be cured but until then you'll be in excruciating pain and it just so happens that there is one in the science and nature block, locked up in a cage that only 2 people can open, both of those people being really close to me. it would be a shame if it were to get out and into your cabin"

"your a fucking psycho" she whispered her complexion paling significantly.

"i know hunny, do we have a fucking deal?" i calmly said letting my hold on her lose.

" yeah yeah not one word" she pushed herself out of my hold and started walking off.

"and berman" she turned to me and rasied a brow. "stay the fuck away from my boyfriend"


i found nick sitting by the tree we carved our initials into the night before on our way back to the cabin. i sit next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. we sat the for a bit just basking in the sunlight. it was nice, the peace and quiet.

"how you feeling?" i asked him kissing his cheek. he's the only person i could see myself being with forever. we're too deep in for us to split now.

"i'm doing pretty good actually"he replied turning his head and pulled me into a deep kiss.

"you know i love you right?" i whispered pulling away and leaning my head on his.

believing in good or evil is like seeing in black and white. i know i'm not a good person but i don't believe that i'm evil. i'm doing what i can to thrive in the town with the love of my life. nicks not a good person but he isn't evil, he's just doing what he feels is right by his family. carrying out tradition. it's us against the world. you may think i'm naive but i know love when i feel it, i feel it when i look at my mum, i felt it when i used to look at my dad and i felt it when his family opened their arms to me. i know that's a different type of love but it's love none the less.

"i love you too, darling" he said as he pulled me into the direction of his cabin that he shared with one of the other councilors.

"where's ginny gone?" i laughed as he started running, he opened the door for me.

"she's on duty with gary watching over the kids in the boats on the lake" he said sitting down, gesturing with his hands for me to come over.

" so we've got the cabin all to ourselves?" i said sitting on his lap, my legs on either side of him.

" sure do darling" he replied kissing a trail down my neck.

"well then sugar, what are we waiting for?" and with that, he pulled my dress over my head and we forgot about the horrors that were to come


omg two updates in less then 24 hours. shocker i know nah i got bored and thought i'd get started on another chapter since i have free period now. so enjoy. it's short but that's ok. love ya'll until next time

𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞, nick goodeWhere stories live. Discover now