chpt 4.

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sixth day

i smirked watching as ziggy berman fled into the woods, soon followed by sheila, her goons and will. turning around i started chuckling and pulled out the twenties out of my pocket. she deserved it, bitch didn't listen when i told her to stay away from nick. he's been hanging around her, always coming to her rescue for the last week. this time she won't be so lucky. i made my way back to the mess hall to find nick. i walked around for 10 minutes, huffing as i realized he was nowhere to be found.

i see gary with some campers and walk up to him "hey have you seen nick?" i said folding my arms.

"i saw him leave just a few minutes ago, kurt went after him, they were running. apparently, nick saw ziggy berman run through there and wanted to check up on her" he said pointing into the direction of where ziggy had run through.

"shit" i run into the woods and curse my stupid boyfriend with his stupid hero complex. why the hell did he give any shits about ziggy berman. i run into the field where sarah fiers hanging tree is to see kurt with will, sheila, and her goons but no nick. i slow down and walk up to them slightly out of breath

"so what happened here?" i said examining the situation, kurt looks pissed and sheila had a smug smirk on her face.

"these idiots just strung up berman on the tree and sheila burnt her arm with a lighter" kurt explained. "the least they could do is have the decency to not get caught!"

"woah, woah, woah so what did you do about berman?" i asked him crossing my arms while discretely high-fiving will behind my back.

"nick convinced me to let her stay so no one asked about the burn on her arm," he said carefully watching for my reaction. he sighed seeing the look on my face.

"well where did he go? i've been trying to look for him all morning," i asked a little angry, he sighed like he knew i wasn't gonna like the answer.

"he just went after berman right before you came through the field" he hesitantly, pointed to the direction of the camp. i turned around and began walking.

"and hey kids" i yell making will and sheila look at me "don't get caught next time"

"lilah!"he yelled, i turn around and look at him "happy birthday" so even he realized what today was.

i run through the woods and come out by the cabin, looking around i see next looking at ziggy as she walks away from him. angrily, i stomped up to him. i tapped him on the shoulder and he turns around in fright, when he sees my face he relaxes for a second. 

"so you ditched me for berman? on today of all day's" i watch as realization washed over his face.

"babe-" he was cut off as i pushed his shoulder. 

"what the fuck! you were supposed to come to my cabin this morning, i woke up and you were nowhere to be found" i had to stop my self from shouting as i realized people were starting to look at us. 

he grabbed my arms in his hands and wrapped them around his waist, hugging me as i fought him to let me go.

"i'm sorry i forgot ok? i'll make it up to you" he said kissing me on my forehead till i calmed down "how bout me and you go to the lake tonight and have a picnic?"

"yeah ok what time?" i said giving him a kiss on his neck, i smiled when he shivered knowing i just kissed his sweet spot.

"meet me there at 7:30,"

"this isn't the first time, you've forgotten me for berman" i mumbled into his neck. he sighed and pulled his arms tighter around me. "i hate her, you know that"

"yeah i know, i don't know i just feel sorry for her i guess" he said, i look up at him and examine his face,

"well don't, she's gonna be dead soon" i responded looking into his eyes. he sighed looking down at me.

"yeah i know, look just forget about her" he replied leaning his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes "she doesn't matter, i love you"

"i love you too sheriff" i said smiling at him, deciding to let it go for now.

"happy birthday darling, how does it feel to be 17?" he kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my hand leading me to the archer's station.

"like i'm on top of the world. i have everything i've ever wanted" i hummed. "i have a good feeling about tonight"

we walked hand in hand till we got to the range and split ways.

"see you tonight sheriff"

"i'll be there darling"


authors note : umm shit's been busy man, here's an update sorry it's a bit short but here it is. don't worry i'm working on the next chapter, where we really get into the fear street movie plot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞, nick goodeWhere stories live. Discover now