Chapter 1

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The Los Angeles Lakehawks have never been something Roseanne's paid much mind to throughout her life. The team had always been V's little pet project and Roseanne's never had much interest in sports. Her brother Victor, or people usually call him V, had always adored the Lakehawks, had preferred them over the other teams they owned, including the men's Los Angeles Harriers. And sure, Roseanne attended a couple parties, when V had asked, but nothing too involved.

Her thoughts of the Lakehawks never wandered much past an absent enjoyment at the idea of a number of strong, tall women parading around Patterson Corp Arena with the sleek silver 'L' logo on their jerseys. It's only when she's essentially forced to that she spares them a thought deeper than that.

"It's good for our image right now, Miss Patterson," a member of her PR team is telling her. "In light of your brother's recent scandal -"

"I'd think anything associated with him at this juncture would be unwise to promote," Roseanne interrupts with a challenging arch of her brow.

"While that may be so," another man says to Roseanne's left. "The Lakehawks are beloved by much of the community. They've won back to back championships and are favored to win a third. They're popular. And the Harriers...well, they're a part of the package."

Roseanne considers that for a moment, glances at the revenue spreadsheet in the file in front of her. "I'd like to consider potential buyers," she decides, closing the folder and standing. "Have something for me by Thursday."


The meetings go relatively well. The team net worth is fairly high and Roseanne's already considering where she'll allocate any profit. The Lakehawks and Harriers are as good as sold in her mind.

Until Kai steps into her office with a swarmy smile. His attitude radiates patriarchal superiority as does the way he casually adds, after talking up the Harriers for twenty minutes, "And I'm sure you have something better to do than care about some silly women's basketball team."

It's at the feigned smile he gives that she decides not to sell at all.

"Thank you for your time, Kai."


"You don't know the first thing about basketball," Lucas says, laughing as he drops into one of her oversized leather arm chairs.

She walks towards him and hands him a glass of scotch with a reproachful look before falling into her own chair with her own drink. "I'm aware of that, thank you."

"I'm merely pointing out the flaws in this plan," Lucas adds, sitting forward and giving her an amused smile. "The sports stuff was always more V's thing anyway, right?"

"Yes, well, V is off doing Lord knows what in the Caribbean right now so -"

"So here we are," Lucas finishes, raising his glass in salute before taking a sip.

Roseanne laughs. "Here we are," she parrots.

"And what are you going to do?" Lucas asks, leaning back into the seat and crossing his legs. The amber liquid in his glass sloshes against the sides and Roseanne observes it for a moment before answering.

"Study the in-season team," she answers simply with a shrug of her shoulder. She reaches towards the bag she has leaned up against the chair and pulls out the thick spiral bound packet her assistant put together earlier and throws it at him.

It hits Lucas in the chest and he makes a disgruntled noise, barely saving his drink from spilling as he pulls the item into view. "The Los Angeles Lakehawks," he reads, flipping the cover over. "Who is this?"

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