Chapter 11

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Hi, it's my birthday! 💘


Something feels different.

That’s all Roseanne can think. She can’t figure out what exactly it is, if it’s just one thing or a combination of things, but whatever it is, it feels different.

Most of the time their coupling is nothing short of frantic. Two people colliding together in search of the same goal. Usually it’s Lisa that takes the lead, that presses Roseanne down and pulls her apart.

But this time there’s this insistent, overwhelming urge that tickles in her fingertips. It makes her want to be the one to push Lisa back against the sheets, to peel the well tailored slacks off her hips and make Lisa’s back arch.

Lisa’s already stepping out of her pants – so that thought is fruitless – but she’s advancing on Roseanne, going with the tug of Roseanne’s hand around her neck, and Roseanne just stops resisting the urge.

With a show of strength she knows surprises Lisa – a uncharacteristically cute sounding yelp escapes Lisa as it happens – Roseanne manages to twist them around until Lisa’s falling onto her back and Roseanne’s tumbling on top of her.

“Rosie,” Lisa gasps out and Roseanne shushes her before she has time to think too much about it.

It’s slower than they’ve ever really gone. Roseanne traces her lips down the strong muscle of Lisa’s collarbone and lets her fingers dance down the lines cutting across Lisa’s abdomen. When she sets her hands on the muscles there, they ripple under her hands. It’s something magnetic, something heady and hot. Lisa makes a little noise when Roseanne scratches from the top of her ribs down to her hips.

She starts to notice things about Lisa’s body that she never had the time to before, or things she hadn’t bothered trying to notice. Like a pale scar Lisa has on her chest – a longer gash that stretches from her collarbone to her sternum. Another one closer to her hipbone. Two small incisions from what must have been a surgery at the top of her shoulder. She finds herself pressing kisses to them, tracing over them, enjoying Lisa’s reactionary shivers and whines.

And then there’s the series of…tattoos Lisa has on her side, just under the line of her bra. How Roseanne has never noticed them before now she’s not sure. They’re small, but distinctly there and Roseanne traces the black lines of what looks like trophies over Lisa’s ribs. Lisa makes another noise, her hands clenching against Roseanne’s ass.

“You have a tattoo,” Roseanne says, unable to keep the surprise out of her voice.

Lisa laughs a little breathlessly, her hips moving when Roseanne’s lips hit her skin again. “Yeah, can we talk about it later maybe?”

In silent agreement, Roseanne just smiles against the hard cut of Lisa’s abs and continues her descent down Lisa’s body. It’s the first time she’s given such singular attention to touching Lisa and just the feel of Lisa reacting to what Roseanne’s lips are doing makes Roseanne’s insides feel liquid. She’s responsive, her body moving like a livewire underneath Roseanne’s lips and hands.

She gets it now. Why Lisa likes to do this. Why she’s always seconds away from coming the minute Roseanne touches her after her own orgasm. She hasn’t even done anything significant yet, but the sound Lisa makes when Roseanne’s mouth finds its way to her hipbone is enough to make something heavy pull at her clit.

By the time Roseanne’s pulling Lisa’s underwear down her legs, Roseanne feels like if she touched herself for just a few seconds she could come just from that and it’s an embarrassing and startling realization. For a second it distracts her enough that she has to set her forehead against one of Lisa’s thighs to center herself away from how much she wants.

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