Chapter 8

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The Lakehawks have a three day break before their next game and Lisa mentions as much in a text that lacks any kind of subtlety. It’s a break from the rhythm of their hookups, to see Lisa unconnected to a game, but Roseanne’s thrilled enough by it that she doesn’t worry too much about it.

Which is how she ends up with Lisa in her apartment for the first time. One moment, Lisa is suggesting they find the time to meet up, and the next, Roseanne is texting Lisa her address.

It feels intimate. At odds with their arrangement, for sure, and Roseanne doesn't know how to make that stop other than not letting Lisa get so much as a word in as soon as she steps foot through the door.

Lisa spends her first half hour in Roseanne’s apartment on her knees in the entryway, pushing Roseanne up against the wall and hooking Roseanne’s leg over her shoulder.

It stops feeling so personal at that point, with her fingers gripped in Lisa’s hair, pulling her in closer until the back of Roseanne’s head is hitting the wall. Lisa’s tongue is warm and firm and so insistent that Roseanne’s orgasm rips through her body far quicker than she expects it.

Her vision goes a little fuzzy around the edges and her knees buckle as they go liquid with heat, but Lisa catches her, keeps her upright with strong fingers under her thighs that keep Roseanne grounded in the moment.

“You have a bedroom in this place, right?” Lisa asks, her voice low and breathless as she makes her way upright.

Roseanne lets herself go a little limp in Lisa’s arms, tries to avoid how the easy way Lisa holds her up totally does it for her and laughs. “Yeah,” she answers, gesturing vaguely behind Lisa and that seems to be enough instruction.

Without much warning, Lisa’s bending her knees and scooping Roseanne upward until Roseanne has no choice but to obey the movement, her legs wrapping around Lisa’s hips and arms around her neck. It pulls a surprised little squeak out of her, that chokes a bit when the sensitive flesh Lisa just spend long minutes torturing, presses firmly against Lisa’s still-covered abdomen.

Turning, Lisa starts to walk them the direction Roseanne indicated and good lord Roseanne should not be this into such a display of strength – it’s never really been something she’s thought about before – but she can’t deny the way her body is reacting to it.

“Don’t distract me or I will drop you,” Lisa says just as Roseanne’s fingers thread through her hair and her lips find their way to Lisa’s jaw. Lisa punctuates the statement with a quick squeeze of Roseanne’s backside that makes them both laugh.


“You have a really nice apartment,” Lisa jokes later when they’re spent and catching their breath in Roseanne’s sheets. All of Roseanne’s muscles feel overused and useless as she stares at her ceiling and licks out at her lips.

“Thanks,” she says with a short laugh, turning her head to see Lisa on her back, naked and uncovered. Her gaze flits down the toned form before pulling away. As much as her mind thinks they could go for another round, her body would definitely not survive. As it is, she’s a little worried she’s going to get some kind of nerve damage with the way they’ve been going at it. 

Lisa shifts to her side to face Roseanne, props her elbow in the mattress to hold her head up. “How long have you lived here?”

Roseanne counts in her head. “Seven years, I think,” she answers.

“Are you from LA?”

Feeling a little uneasy at the soft, open look on Lisa’s face, Roseanne sits up a bit. “I’m sure that’s on my Wikipedia page.”

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