Chapter 18

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Lucas calls her the next day sounding supremely hungover, but equally concerned about her, which is the only reason she forgives him for not checking up on her earlier. It’s also amusing enough to hear the way he suddenly sounds far more awake the moment she details her run in at the bar.

“Nancy?!” Lucas exclaims halfway into a laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Yes, Nancy,” Roseanne says, shuffling through items in her fridge to get to the coffee. “So you can imagine how well timed it was that you sent Lisa  to the bar to find me.”

Lucas makes a noise, a bit of a laugh. “While I’d love to take credit for that genius plan, I assure you that I didn’t send Lisa anywhere. Lisa Mackenzie does what she wants.”

“You couldn’t have warned me?” Roseanne says, testy despite acknowledging it’s not really Lucas’ fault.

“Warned you about what? The second I told Lisa you were at the bar she was already walking that direction,” he tells her. “And frankly, had I known you were talking to Nancy, I would  have sent her over.”

“Because you want me to get double teamed by my exes?” Lucas chortles and Roseanne sighs at his sudden laughter, regretting her choice of words. “You know what I mean, don’t be a child.”

“At least you’re acknowledging Lisa is an ex,” he says as his laughter dies out.

“Was I not acknowledging that before?”

Lucas sighs, but it’s a fond sound that makes her want to hug him. "Can we wade through the depth of your delusions over brunch or something? I think that sixth B-52 Jisoo made me do is trying to swim back upstream.”

“I feel like we should make a concerted effort to avoid you and Jisoo hanging out, for both your safety and the health of my basketball team,” Roseanne says. Lucas makes a noise of annoyance.

“Whatever, you have your favorite baller, I have mine,” Lucas says. “And it was hard to avoid her power, considering Lisa and Jennie left after like, two drinks.”

“Poor baby,” Roseanne says, and Lucas whines.


Sparing a glance to her schedule, Roseanne laughs. “I’ll meet you at Julio’s, but you’re buying.”


Brunch with Lucas ends up being just what she needed and a bit more enlightening than she’d expected. Though it takes Lucas a full stack of pancakes and two mimosas to feel capable of carrying on any kind of real conversation, he runs her through what she missed at the bar.

Chiefly, the way Lisa seemed extremely put out by Roseanne’s sudden flight from the club as well as some unsolicited gossip about Jennie Mackenzie and Jisoo Kennedy.

“I’m telling you, they’re sleeping together,” he insists, stabbing at his second meal of the morning – eggs benedict. How Lucas is able to eat this much while hungover, Roseanne's not sure, but it reminds her of early Sunday mornings in college when Lucas would take her to his favorite diner and recount his Saturday night exploits over a pot of coffee and more bacon than Roseanne'd ever care to be around.

“You think everyone is sleeping with everyone,” Roseanne dismisses with a laugh as she pushes her eggs around her plate and thinks about the way Lucas talked about Lisa when they first met -  woman in every port  he had said. Something about Lisa being upset about Roseanne’s leaving just didn’t jive with it. If she thought hard on it, so much about what she knows about Lisa doesn't check out with that first impression.

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