Chapter 1 Zephyr

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Who am I? My name is Zephyr the fifth Princess of Liones. I'm 19 years old, I'm half Demon and Half Goddess with the powers from both clans as well as the magical ability Full counter meaning I can send the force of someone's physical or magical attack back at them. My parents are Meliodas the eldest son of the Demon King and The Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins the dragon sin of wrath and My mother is Elizabeth the third princess of Liones as well as the only daughter of the supreme dieity.

As I walked through the town of Hull with my best friend Crea and her cousin Harper another good friend of mine who was floating above us with his arms wrapped around his sacred treasure Claymore's pillow form, I could feel someone watching us, "Hey do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you?" I asked "Maybe they're watching you princess" Crea said slinging an arm around my neck, I rolled my eyes and hit her arm of of me "We're about 60 miles away from Liones so I doubt it's me" I said as we turned down an ally "And I'm not in my princess get up, Harper can you stop floating I've got a bad feeling" I said, "Sure thing Captain and maybe it's better if we keep the royal thing to ourselves Crea" he said "If you insist" Crea said with a shrug as she looked around "I think we took a wrong turn Cap'n" she said, I was a bout to comment as three guys around six foot came out of a nook in the ally, they were covered in dirt and the smell was terrible. "Looky what we've got here boys" the one in the middle said with a grin as he looked at me "A real beauty" the one on his right said, "We're holy knights of Liones, we're only here to help" I said while Harper and Crea stepped in front of me, yes I can protect myself and have the strength of the demon clan on my side, but I would much rather not get into a fight with the locals, "Don't kill them" I said "Oh don't worry we won't the blue haired ones a beauty too" the middle guy said as all three of them pulled knives from their pockets "Aw that's cute they think you're talking to them" Crea said as she used her Snatch ability to pull the knives from their hands "What the hell?" the one on the left said as the three tried to keep their weapons, "There isn't any point fella's this is my magical ability like the captain said we're holy knights from Liones" Crea said as the men lost their grip on their knives and she caught them "Do you always attack people who are trying to help?" Harper asked as he started to float again "We don't need any help" lefty sneered as the middle man took a step forward grabbed Harper by his hair and sent him flying backwards, "Seriously?" Crea said as Harper crashed into a tree and Claymore fell to the ground in front of us, "You'll make nice slaves" the man said "Oh, so you are the men kidnapping women and children and sending them into slavery" I asked gripping the hilt to my sacred treasure Carree, "What's it to you" righty said. I grinned "Let me introduce myself since you're so intent on kidnapping me" I said "I'm holy knight Zephyr" Lefty's eyes widened "John I wouldn't mess with her" he said taking a step backwards "And why not Marc?" the middle one now identified as John said turning to look at lefty-Marc, "I'd listen to him, clearly he's been to Liones" Crea said. John paid her no attention "why not Marc, think of the money we'd get for the both of 'em" John said "She's his daughter the captain of those sins" Righty's eyes widened now "if you leave right now, we can forget about this little altercation, and we can arrest you later for kidnapping, should get you about twenty years but attempted kidnapping of a Princess, Holy knight and the daughter of the grand master will get you about forty" I said before looking up at Crea, "Give them their blades back" I said, Crea shrugged and tossed the knives on the ground "It's up to you, how long do you want in prison" she said, John picked up the knifes tossed them to the other two before he dove at me, I pulled Carree out and met his blow saying "Full counter" and the force of his attack was doubled and sent right back at him he went flying right into "Spirit spear Claymore second configuration Guardian". Harper said and the blue pillow changed into a blue teddy bear and caught the guy, the other two attempted to run "Tempest Falls" Crea said and several tornados surrounded them so they couldn't run away. When Harper had gotten cuffs onto the guy he had caught he sent his bear into the now fading tornados and picked the guys up before cuffing them, "What the hell is going on here" a man asked as we walked out of the ally way that we had accidently walked down "You know Crea you're right we did take a wrong turn" I said before looking at the man, his hair was neat and gelled back and he was wearing a three piece suit "You're the Mayor of this town Right?" I asked "Yes and you are?" he said "I'm holy night Zephyr" I said pulling a roll of paper from my satchel and handed him "We're arresting these me for attempted kidnapping and assault" Crea said "We didn't do anything Mayor" John said, The Mayor looked between us all and said  "And do you have any proof that they attempted to kidnap some one or assault" "How about our word and our friends concussion" I said gesturing to Harper who was floating on Claymore slightly out of it. "I'm sorry but the word of a child and someone who's clearly drunk won't do, please release these men" I blinked back my shock "These men are responsible for the kidnapping of women and young girls in your town a matter that you requested help to fix and your telling  us to let them go after the attempted to kidnap two holy knights?" I asked my temper rising, whatever the Mayor was about to say was stopped by Emma as she teleported herself and her brother Morgan right between us The mayor's eyes widened as he took one look at Morgan in his day form, "We release all the captives in our location Captain" Morgan said "Good were there any obstacles" "Nothing I couldn't handle" Morgan answered proudly "Okay, help Crea with these men would you, they're the men kidnaping the women and children and attempted to do the same to Cree and I" I said "This one also sent Harper flying into a tree it would be funny if not for the fact that he's totally out of it" Crea said, nudging John with her foot who was then picked up by Morgan "There is no need for Crea to lift a hand, I am more than capable of carrying everyone" Morgan said as he picked the other two up, Crea shrugged "less work for me" and grabbed the corner of Claymore and pulled it and Harper after Morgan who had began to walk passed the terrified towns people, as Emma landed beside me and leaned down to whisper to me, "The mayors involved let's take this somewhere private", "Why don't we discuss this matter somewhere private" I said, The mayor scowled but turned and with a wave of his hand he gestured for us to follow him. Man that feeling of being watched is back, "Captain" Emma said "Yeah, I can feel it too" I muttered, The Mayor led us to a dingy looking building, Emma and I shared a looked, the minute minute I stepped through the gate with Emma floating behind me several sand creatures appeared "Mummy's, be careful Captain, If they get close enough they'll blind you" Emma said "Can you handle them Mister Mayor is running" I said, "I should be yes go" Emma said, I jumped up and landed about three steps in front of him, he had a sword held tight in his hand "What the hell are you?" he asked, I smirked "Like I'm going to tell you" I said gripping Carree tight, "Why are you working with mummies and kidnaping the women and girls of your town" I asked "Like I'm going to tell you" he parroted he went to take a step towards me but was quickly lifted into the air by a pillar of earth "Hey Captain, Brooks and I released everyone in our part" Rehan said as he came to a stop beside me, "I could have handle that myself but thank you" I said as Rehan grew to his giant form to get the mayor who was now knocked out thanks to Rehan's attack, "Were there any obstacles when you were at your site" I asked as Rehan shrunk and tossed the man over his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes like it was nothing, "Nothing that Brooks could take care of with his blackout arrow, which I'll admit wasn't as fun as pounding someone but you did say no casualties"  she smiled down at me. I shrugged, "From the sounds of it Morgan took care of everyone at his and Emma's location" I said as we came out an ally way beside the run down house that the Mayor had lead Em and I to, just in time to see a bunch of mummies explode into sand "Watch your eyes" Emma said as she surrounded herself and Brooks with her perfect cube, I stepped behind Rehan who had lifted his hand to cover his eyes. "We found some interesting documents in our location Captain" Brooks said as Emma released her perfect cube and the two walked over to us, "Show me later once we've reached the boar hat, I'm sure my parents will be interested" I said failing to suppress a yawn, "You didn't sleep when watch was over did you?" Emma asked "I did, I was woken an hour later, Let's just pack up our camp and jet the hell out of this town" I said as we walked through the town. Once we reached our camp Rehan set the Mayor down into the carriage and cuffed him, then closed and locked the gate and Emma did some sort of spell to prevent anyone from getting in or out unless it's one of us. I went straight to my tent to change out of my armor into my sleeveless white shirt that had a black collar, my black shorts and my favorite black ankle boots and my black choker around my neck, before I packed all my stuff up into my travel bag and got to work dissembling my tent, when I turned to look at my friends, I saw that they had all changed also, the sun was setting so Morgan who was now this frail stick like man was wearing, his magic glasses which he got from his mother to help with the curse or something, he had a white shirt, black jacket and pants and boots and a red bow tie. Emma was wearing an off shoulder black jacket like dress with a belt attached to a silver circle similar to the choker she was wearing and black knee high boots. Rehan was lacing up his blue sleeveless tunic which he wore with black pants and blue boots, Crea has a red version of Emma's jacket on over a black halter top, red pants and black boots. Brooks had his glasses on, a white shirt, black suspenders attached to brown shorts and brown boots and Harper had a purple hooded jumper blue pants and purple and blue shoes on, "Feeling better?" I asked Harper and I set my bags into the storage area of the carriage keeping Carree strapped to my hip, "I have a pounding head ache but the Doctors at the castle should be able to give me a remedy for it" he said, Rehan summoned his dirt figures at the front of the carriage where the horses should be. we figured it was easier then trying to keep horses quiet, I climbed up to the top where we would be sitting and sat down next to Harper who set Claymore on the floor. "Cap'n you okay?" Crea asked "Mmm, oh just tired" I said shaking my head to wake myself up, "Sleep Captain we'll wake you up when we're nearing the Kingdom" Emma said, I looked to Harper, "Can I use Claymore?" I asked "Of course", I stood with a yawn man I'm wrecked and flopped onto the fluffy pillow with "So Fluffy" being the last thing I remember saying before I fell asleep.                                              

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